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여행지 추가정보

울산에 위치한 관광지

Taehwagang National Garden
Based on 5344 reviews
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22:37 15 Sep 24
There is a 10-ri bamboo field around the Taehwa River, and it is very cool with firefly lights at night.The night view is also nice.
Jin Hun Cha
13:34 10 Sep 24
10:56 06 Sep 24
The pride of Ulsan
10:28 02 Sep 24
It’s not crowded.
04:59 20 Aug 24
Karla May
11:33 23 Nov 22
The park is beautiful!!! This is really a must if you ever in Ulsan. It's so big and it has a lot of different types of flowers. You can take a stroll, ride your bike or even have a picnic. It's pretty accessible!I wanted to say much more time but I had to go back, ilthis is definitely a place I'll come back to!
Anggun Lestari
13:15 13 Nov 22
One of the most beautiful park that I have ever visited. The park is so large, you can find several beautiful flower gardens, pink muhly grass, water fountain, and also experience visit the bamboo forest! very recommended place to go with family with kids and elderly. Many people lay out mats and picnic with friends or family. Some were cycling, walking leisurely and sitting on a bench by the water fountain. I took many beautiful pictures, it was fun and really great place to relax.
Jason Chuei
19:08 13 Sep 22
Glorious, grand park and gardens, wide open spaces with wondrous wheat fields dispersed throughout, and a perimeter of lush bamboo forests, all swaying gently in the winter breeze.
03:23 23 May 22
No idea under what festival this park is now, 2022.05.22, but this National Garden Park always becomes super beautiful with various decorations and plant works. Sun rays a shot to our head and neck, but the hot sun, with green leaves and smells and flowers, makes feel fresh and alive with sense of summer almost here. Under a stone bridge from the Garden Park to Bamboo forests, the swamp looks like it is breeding its own eco system underneath water grass since I can see some birds landing on the surface to dive to grap fish with vivid sound splashing. The entire district of this place is beautiful awesome.
Bruce Aleo
12:49 19 Mar 20
Nature’s getaway in Ulsan ❤️This is such a Beautiful and peaceful park with many walking paths through colorful gardens, bamboo forest and bridges. They light it up at night with colorful night lighting and music 🎼 🎶 🎵There are many cafes in the area with an overview of the park.Definitely one of my favorite places to come every time I visit Ulsan. I absolutely love the picturesque sceneries.I highly recommend visiting Taehwagang National Garden.
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