서생포 왜성

서생포 왜성은 울산광역시 울주군 서생면에 있는 왜성입니다. 임진왜란 때 일본군이 축성한 것으로, 한국에서 가장 큰 왜성으로 알려져 있습니다.
서생포 왜성은 동서 870m, 남북 370m 정도의 규모로, 해자를 둘러싸고 있습니다. 성벽은 흙으로 쌓았으며, 성곽 안에는 우물, 창고, 군사 시설 등이 있었던 것으로 추정됩니다.
서생포 왜성은 임진왜란 당시 조선군과 일본군의 치열한 전투가 벌어진 곳이기도 합니다. 1593년, 이순신 장군이 이끄는 조선 수군은 서생포 왜성을 공격하여, 일본군을 대파했습니다.
서생포 왜성은 1977년 사적 제234호로 지정되었고, 2009년에는 국보 제407호로 승격되었습니다.
서생포 왜성은 임진왜란 당시 조선의 승리를 상징하는 유적입니다. 또한, 한국에서 가장 큰 왜성으로서, 임진왜란 당시 왜군의 군사 전략과 기술을 이해하는 데 중요한 자료가 되고 있습니다.

서생포 왜성을 방문할 때는 다음과 같은 점을 유의하세요.

서생포 왜성은 야외 전시관에 위치하고 있으므로, 날씨에 대비하여 준비하세요.
서생포 왜성의 보호를 위해, 성벽을 직접 만지거나, 성곽 안에서 사진 촬영을 하지 마세요.
서생포 왜성 전시관에서는 서생포 왜성에 대한 자세한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.

서생포 왜성을 방문하여 임진왜란 당시의 역사와 문화를 느껴보세요.

여행지 추가정보

울산에 위치한 관광지

Seosaengpo Japanese Fortress
Based on 228 reviews
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04:20 13 Jul 24
I think the castle is quite well preserved.It seems that the area at the foot of the mountain is being turned into a residential area, but when viewed from the top of the mountain, it looks like a military port.I was able to clearly distinguish the broken parts of the climbing stone wall.The main wall has a series of tiger mouths, which is amazing! It's Kiyomasa.The tiger mouth on the north side of the main wall appears to have been modified by being filled in with a stone wall.You can feel the sense of urgency.In the future, as the construction progresses, we hope that Sanjo's vertical moat on the south side will be visible.I look forward to it.
07:33 06 Jun 24
The open view is very good. The road to the castle tower is not far, but it is steep. There are almost no benches or sunshades to sit and rest on, and they remain in their original form.
Relaxing Island
00:55 29 May 24
Natalia Onishchenko
06:46 21 May 24
young k
10:54 12 May 24
I stopped by during the Haeparang Trail trekking course from Gangyang Port to Ilgwang.The tour guide explained things well and the manager also told me that maintenance is ongoing.It was the largest among the many Japanese castles.It seems to maintain its shape well.This is the castle where the Emperor Gadeung (Katoo Kiyomasa), who built several castles in Japan, was stationed, so its size and layout are as well.It looks textured.It's a painful history, so I can put a lot of thoughts into it.It was a time
00:09 17 Aug 23
Parking - about 15 carsComfort - One bathroom
15:21 25 Jun 23
2023/06/13From Busan's Bujeon Station, take the Tokai Line to Namchang Station. Arrived in about an hour. You can get on and off just by touching T-money. Nankura Station has become a new station on the elevated line. After about 20 minutes by taxi, get off at the bus stop Nishioura Wajo. I think the price was around 8900W? As you walk through the houses and aim for your destination, you will see a stone wall on the mountain in front of you. On the way there was a sign for the south gate and a stone wall, which was a nice little discovery. At the information desk at the entrance, there was a female staff member who spoke fluent Japanese, and she explained various things to us. The slope up into the castle is extremely steep. Athletic shoes are best. Finally, we arrived at the main enclosure. The castle is well-maintained and well-preserved. The toilets are clean.There is something deeply moving about thinking that history was created here 400 years ago.
JadeSon DIC
16:09 30 Mar 23
I made a quick visit because it was said to be a famous cherry blossom spot.I was surprised at how much bigger it was than I expected. It must have been because it was the headquarters where Kato was. The cherry blossoms are hard to see from the outside, but the cherry trees hidden inside are thicker than expected.The location has a good view toward Jinha... but the view there is a bit disappointing. It was fortunate that the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, but I also thought that if the cherry blossoms fall... why not...? History education should be taught when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
Jongyoun LIM
13:43 18 Dec 22
I happened to stop by after going nearby, and it was really good. You can listen to interesting stories from a kind and knowledgeable commentator for free! (You can ask the commentator. I received the commentator's permission and uploaded his photo as well.) If you look at it quickly, you can say that there are only stones. It's really fun to look back on, and I've been thinking about a lot of things. Even though I went in winter in December, it was nice, but looking at the photos, it would be even better to come during the cherry blossom season.However, it's a bit disappointing that the VR/AR app doesn't seem to work well.
13:06 02 Sep 20
Historical place. japan style castle
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