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여행지 추가정보

울산에 위치한 관광지

Jangsaengpo Whale Museum, Ulsan
Based on 4729 reviews
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05:53 16 Sep 24
02:23 16 Sep 24
21:27 15 Sep 24
Jinu Song
11:23 15 Sep 24
08:26 15 Sep 24
07:05 25 Nov 23
Ulsan Is known as the whale-city. Near the harbour you can find the whale museum where you can get information about whale hunting in the past and more about whales' characteristics. A nice place to visit, especially in the evening because of the lights.
Niraj Kumar
15:08 16 Sep 23
Whale meuseum is okay kind but Ulsan Whale tour is a must experience task.
04:13 12 Sep 23
Kids like to be there to see dolphin show. But too many people...too hard to see the show..... the showroom is narrow to accommodate many people during show...But understand it was weekend....
Elena Kowalska
14:00 18 Feb 23
Whale Museum is part of the Jangsaengpo Whale Culture Village, where you can spend half of the day doing different things. The museum has 3 floors and is mostly focused on the history of whaling in Korea with real examples of different specimens of whales. Everything is in Korean, but you can get the information before visiting. In the other building close to ROKS is an aquarium with dolphins and small fishes, observatory on top of the building is open for sight seeing.
Garry McCormick
22:18 08 Jun 19
Interesting complex of museum's, old whaling boat, cultural village, tram ride, old battleship, whale Watching tours, and other small areas of interest. We went when they had their annual "Whaling Festival" so there was live entertainment, beer festival, food festival and other items for children. There is onsite parking and small admission fee for some areas. Look in pictures and you can see a price list. About half of the display boards in the museum only have Korean storyboards that explain the whales, cultural tie in and so forth. That being said little children may be bored. But, to peak their interest their is a long slide that they can use to go from the third floor to the second where the exit is. The whaling boat is free to go on and just outside the entrance to the Museum. Also in the immediate area is the whale watching tours and entrance to the overhead Tram Ride to the cultural village. It is 1.6 km long and very interesting. You purchase tickets for a time slot and then come back to the area at the appropriate time and wait. Overall it was an interesting experience.
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