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다음은 장생포 고래문화마을에 대한 몇 가지 팁입니다.

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장생포 고래문화마을은 울산의 대표적인 관광 명소입니다. 주말에는 매우 붐빌 수 있으니, 방문 전, 홈페이지를 통해 날씨와 교통 정보를 확인하고, 미리 계획을 세우세요.
장생포 고래문화마을을 방문하여 울산의 역사와 문화를 체험해보세요.

여행지 추가정보

울산에 위치한 관광지

Whale Cultural Village
Based on 2716 reviews
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22:01 08 Sep 24
13:09 04 Sep 24
A Korean tour guide said that you have to touch the dog and bite the money to make a lot of money!
21:44 01 Sep 24
It's nice that it's being updated little by little.
23:19 24 Aug 24
06:52 21 Aug 24
06:31 05 Apr 23
I learned lots of Cultural facts and history here. Around this place there is many options to enjoy the time, like restaurants, museum, etc...
Giseong Lee
23:31 04 Apr 23
It's not unique park. it's just name of whale village as normal. but good for a walk as spaces around.
Sam Michel
11:25 14 Mar 22
I really enjoyed going back in time to see how was Korea in the past from how the the stores used to look to playing traditional games and eating lunch box to wearing old school uniform. But I must say about he uniforms they have limited sizes for female foreigners 😔 the skirt barely fit me and the upper part I couldn't even close it. That's my only complain. Other than that I really recommend going 👍🏻
Azra Maliha
11:43 09 Feb 22
The place is very nice. A bit away from the museum and u need to walk and climb many stairs. The village is decorated in old ways and is very detailed in their decoration. Loved the place.
Chiranjeev Maini
06:14 06 Jun 19
A mixed experience.Beautiful place. Worth a visit for sure.I really like appreciate the effort to educate kids and people about how whale hunting was done and how people have evolved but it’s disappointing to know that whale meat is sold around this part of the town.One can enjoy good food (other than whale meat) at a reasonable cost. Do try Isaac toast (I simple loved it).You can get a bus easily however the frequency is quiet less. Refer to your travel apps for more assistance.
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