
울산대곡박물관은 울산광역시 울주군 두동면에 위치한 고고학 박물관입니다. 2009년 6월 24일에 개관했으며, 울산권광역상수도(대곡댐)사업 편입부지에서 출토된 유물 중심의 청동기시대부터 조선시대까지 대곡의 역사를 보여주는 고고전문박물관입니다.

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여행지 추가정보

울산에 위치한 관광지

Based on 151 reviews
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Samuel OH
08:46 30 Jun 24
I think it has a lot of overlap with the Ulsan Museum. Because accessibility is not good, it would be difficult to recommend that you must go there.
23:01 09 Jun 24
It is good to look around along with the nearby Cheonjeon-ri rock carvings and Bangudae petroglyphs.Take a walk from Daegok Museum to Bangudae Petroglyphs. It's a long enough distance for walking.The museum itself is well decorated so that you can feel the old days of Eonyang in a small way.
11:31 20 May 24
A museum that utilizes the historical value of the submerged area during the construction of the local Daegok Dam.
07:27 27 Apr 24
S.D Jeon
01:17 20 Mar 24
Many Silla and Gaya relics were excavated around Daegokcheon Stream.I hope many students will find it...
Jong-Hyun Choi
17:32 02 Oct 23
I went to rechargeI'm looking at a nice place haha
c se
23:55 14 Nov 22
It is near Cheonjeonri Gakseok, so it is worth a visit. Impressive relics seen in the museum are: 1) Soeburi Blast Furnace - The real furnace used to make iron ingots in the Joseon Dynasty remains. The exhibition was well done so I could feel it. I was surprised that the size of the furnace was bigger than I thought. 2) Proto-Three Kingdoms scale armor prototype set - One of the two prototypes of armor from the period before the ancient Three Kingdoms period found in Korea is here. Well-preserved thousands of years old It was amazing that the scale armor was excavated 3) Thousands of tombs found in nearby villages - Thousands of tombs were hurriedly investigated before the village was submerged due to the construction of a dam. I remember the feeling of "the whole village was laying a tomb". The exhibition hall is an hour away by bus 358 from ktx Ulsan Station. You can look around the museum, see Cheonjeonri inscriptions and dinosaur footprints nearby, and take about an hour on foot to Bangudae Petroglyph Museum and Bangudae Petroglyphs. It is possible or you can take a look around Daegok Dam right next to the Daegok Museum. The scenery is also good. It takes about an hour.
00:05 12 Apr 21
Solve problems with children and receive giftsIt was a fun day~^^
SulHeon Lee
06:24 01 Mar 21
Historic sites and relics near Daegok Dam before submergence are well displayed and there are many things to see
HS Lee
14:10 28 Nov 17
You can see information about Bangri Village, which was submerged due to the construction of a dam, and information about smelting technology in the past.Since it is a course that continues when you visit Bangudae via public transportation, I think it is a pretty good course to see while waiting for the bus.Of course, there is plenty to see even if you just visit the Daegok Museum.
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