
반구대암각화는 울산광역시 울주군 언양읍 대곡리 대곡천의 절벽에 새겨진 암각화입니다. 신석기 시대에서 청동기 시대에 걸쳐 제작된 것으로 추정되며, 세계에서 가장 오래된 고래사냥 암각화로 유명합니다.
반구대암각화에는 고래, 물고기, 새, 사슴, 말, 사람 등 다양한 동물과 인물상이 새겨져 있습니다. 특히, 고래사냥 장면을 묘사한 암각화는 세계적으로도 매우 희귀한 것으로 평가받고 있습니다.
반구대암각화는 1976년 울산시청에서 발굴 조사를 통해 처음 발견되었습니다. 이후, 1978년 사적 제264호로 지정되었고, 2000년에는 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 등재되었습니다.
반구대암각화는 한국의 선사시대 문화를 이해하는 데 중요한 유적입니다. 또한, 세계적으로도 매우 귀중한 문화유산으로 평가받고 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

울산에 위치한 관광지

Petroglyphs of Bangudae Terrace in Daegok-ri, Ulju
Based on 747 reviews
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10:31 17 Aug 24
It's in good condition in a remote area, except for the water not flowing in the bathroom inside.
13:45 23 Jul 24
Samuel OH
08:48 30 Jun 24
To be honest, the petroglyphs were not visible. It seems to need preservation.
04:26 28 Jun 24
Very nice for a walk
05:05 27 Jun 24
Azra Maliha
14:37 24 Jan 22
Absolutely loved the place. The walk was amazing with the scenic view of the river mountains and forests. It was surreal. The main petroglyph place was nice too and the information desk staff was so helpful and friendly.
Youngbok Seo
14:49 23 Jan 22
National treasuresWorthy to visitIf you want to see closer, it must be authorized and guided by the museum
kim chan
08:18 22 Oct 19
A serene and tranquil place to visit but with limited public transport options. There seems to be only one bus 348 (despite what the guidebook says) that plies from KTX Ulsan Station and which may not bring you back within the next few hours as it is not regular. This was our plight so you are well advised to check the bus schedule in your planning. The friendly staff helped us call for a taxi for our return trip. The museum is very well set up internally. You also must not miss the walking trail to see the various points of interest, although it would have helped to have more English directions.
Byunggyu Lee (Q군)
04:54 02 Sep 18
It was nice place to visit in Ulsan. Prehistoric man hunted big whales and could learn about there life and hunting skills on rock art.
Zech Lim
08:37 28 Oct 16
Excellent piece of preserved prehistory in Korea.Amazing how prehistoric humans travelled from the coast to this remote inland place and carved their life stories onto the rockface.Ritual location.
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