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자수정 테마파크
자수정 놀이동산

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자수정 놀이동산
자수정 놀이동산에서는 다양한 놀이기구와 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다. 자수정 모험열차, 자수정 회전목마, 자수정 워터파크 등이 있습니다.

자수정 동굴나라는 어린이부터 어른까지 모두가 즐길 수 있는 테마파크입니다. 자수정에 대한 다양한 정보를 얻고, 다양한 체험을 할 수 있는 곳입니다.

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자수정 동굴나라는 여름철에 매우 붐빕니다. 방문 전, 홈페이지를 통해 날씨와 교통 정보를 확인하고, 미리 계획을 세우세요.
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자수정 동굴나라를 방문하여 울산의 대표적인 관광 명소를 즐겨보세요.

여행지 추가정보

울산에 위치한 관광지

Amethyst Cavern Park
Based on 4539 reviews
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Sungwoo Lee
09:54 10 Sep 24
There is no waiting time for the cave, but you have to wait for the boat.The cave is so cool and nice
anuwat rakya
05:55 10 Sep 24
17:43 09 Sep 24
It was cool and nice!
07:19 07 Sep 24
23:20 03 Sep 24
V Barlow
06:35 03 Oct 23
The special effects inside this cave are Hollywood lvl..! They have cemented Amethyst into the wall in several places to give way to the illusion of a Amethyst Cavern, and somehow they made the sky disappear and the temperature go cold when you enter the cave. Stunt men piloted boats throughout the flooded section, and for those of you who like huffing petrol fumes, fear not! this mine has you covered as that's all you can smell during the boat ride. Once high on petrol fumes, we entered the cavern where the special effects continued. There were dinosaurs missing bodies and empty aquariums, allowing you to use your imagination. Not to mention the Egyptian mummies and cavemen! If you got too tired, having your senses assaulted, there is an overpriced cafe and amethyst rest room where you can absorb the disappointment of your fellow tourists.
Joseph Christian Nouaze
02:34 03 Oct 23
This place is excellent for exploring the cave! The boat trip was fantastic, and the cave itself is lengthy with a pleasant vibe. Additionally, the Buddha temple under the cave is beautifully divine. I definitely recommend it.It's family and kid-friendly, offering a multitude of attractions that will delight both children and your inner child.Moreover, there's a massive crystal museum to explore. Outside, you can enjoy attractions like the Viking, merry-go-round, and more!The cave features various themed halls and areas such as the Cave of Wish, Amethyst Energy Room, and the Dinosaur Cave. It stretches over 2.5km, with heights ranging from 2 to 15 meters, and maintains an average temperature of 12-15°C. My personal highlight was the captivating boat ride through these different areas.Furthermore, there are amusement park rides, souvenir stores, and food stalls outside. This place is ideal for families with kids, though perhaps not as suitable for groups of friends or couples. Nonetheless, it's still well worth a visit!
Nagarjun Mohanraj
12:01 23 Jul 23
Excellent place for exploring the cave. Boat trip was fantastic, Cave was lengthy and good pleasant vibe. Buddha temple under cave was more divinely made.Definitely recommended.
08:27 30 Nov 22
Family and Kids friendly! A lot of great attractions to make childrens (or your inner child) happy!It is a huge museum about crystal! Outside, you can enjoy attraction like viking, merry go round, and many more!
Melissa Lime
06:52 21 Nov 22
The cave has many different themed halls and areas like the Cave of Wish, Amethyst Energy Room and the Dinosaur Cave. The cave is 2.5km long, 2-15m high and the average temperature is 12-15°C. My favourite activity was the boat ride through the different areas. There are also various amusement park rides outside, souvenir stores and food stalls. I think this pace is perfect for families with kids, not so much groups of friends or couples. Still worth visiting though!
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