
종묘는 조선 왕조의 역대 왕과 왕비의 신위를 모신 사당이며, 1995년 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 등재되었습니다.
종묘는 조선 왕조의 역사와 문화를 보여주는 대표적인 유적지입니다.
정전과 영녕전은 조선 왕조의 역대 왕과 왕비의 신위를 모신 건물로, 조선 시대의 건축과 조각의 정수를 보여주고 있습니다.
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종묘의 주요 건물

정전: 조선 왕조의 역대 왕의 신위를 모신 건물입니다.
영녕전: 조선 왕조의 역대 왕비의 신위를 모신 건물입니다.
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종묘의 주요 행사

종묘제례: 조선 왕조의 역대 왕과 왕비의 신위를 기리는 제사로, 매년 2월과 8월에 봉행됩니다.
종묘제례악: 종묘제례에 사용되는 음악으로, 1962년 국가무형문화재 제39호로 지정되었습니다.

여행지 추가정보

서울에 위치한 관광지

Jongmyo Shrine
Based on 853 reviews
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21:11 03 Jul 24
One of the oldest and best-preserved Confucian royal shrines in the world. Royal family members would carry out ancestral rites, walking along a stone path. It was destroyed during the 1590 Japanese invasion and rebuilt in the 1600s.There are multiple buildings one can visit. The main shrine is Jeongjeon (under repair until October 2024) and the Hall of Eternal Peace (Yeongnyeongjeon).There isn't as much to see and if one is pressed for time, one can skip this place. However, if you do visit, attending one of the guided tours is a good idea!
Jitka Fišerová
04:08 03 Jul 24
00:43 30 Jun 24
15:26 25 Jun 24
It's a shame that I didn't get to see the main shrine of Jongmyo, but it was pretty good, and personally, 1,000 won is cheap. I can't believe I can see a place like this in the middle of the city.
Ireneusz Winnicki
13:12 25 Jun 24
Matty B
23:41 28 Oct 23
A beautiful, scenic, peaceful shrine which includes half a dozen ancient buildings. Because the greenery is so encompassing, you can easily forget that you’re in the center of one of the biggest cities in the world.On weekdays, you are only allowed to enter the shrine grounds if you are on a tour, while on the weekends, this is relaxed. I didn’t actually mind the tour, as it moved quite quickly and was quite informative. They also offer tours in English and a variety of other languages.
Georgia Ramsamy (GG)
03:22 21 Oct 23
The surrounding grounds are lovely. This is a great place to enjoy good weather and a walk around in nature. The main shrine itself was covered in scaffolding during my visit, but I imagine it would have been very impressive. The smaller buildings and the information plaques offer an interesting insight into the history of the shrine.If you are planning to visit during the week then please keep in mind that you must join a tour. You can visit/explore the shrine on your own only on weekends. The entrance fee is only 1000 won.
Luke Han
12:26 16 Sep 23
Nice public park in Seoul, South Korea to learn more about Korean history and admission is only 1,000 원 per person. Weather was nice and we enjoyed the scenic park with other locals and tourists. Mostly a flat park, but a nice incline as you walk further. A few places were blocked off, but plenty to see in the area.Took us less than one hour to see everything and it’s quite close to 익선동 which we went to afterwards for drinks.
U. S.
06:34 10 Sep 23
The Jongmyo shrine is an important cultural place for the burial procedures of the kings. The garden surrounding it is nice and on weekends guided tours are not mandatory as they are during the week. As an adult you have to pay 1000 Won. So it is not a deal breaker that the shrine is currently under construction. However, it is definitely disappointing. And keep in mind that due to the constructions for the rituals the place is not easy to navigate in a wheelchair.
Pierre Degrootte (Pierre Le Grand)
03:24 13 Aug 23
Jongmyo Shrine is a jewel of Korean cultural heritage. Unfortunately I didn't have the chance to see the whole place since it was under renovation (but that gives me a good reason to come back later)The fact that visits are only made in groups, at specific hours, disturbs the program that we set for the day. Offering visits with and without a guide, with a marked path would be better for a large part of the visitors.
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