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여행지 추가정보

서울에 위치한 관광지

Gildong Ecological Park
Based on 66 reviews
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Yongju Choi
08:45 08 Sep 24
11:51 15 Jun 24
Refreshing oxygen field in the city center
조주현 (Joe)
09:31 17 Mar 24
08:09 10 Mar 24
A quiet city park where you can enjoy a walk with your kids and enjoy the afternoon sun, or even just by yourself.
05:06 25 Oct 23
Nature in the middle of the city, an ecological park in Gil-dong, Gangdong-gu. There aren't many people, so it's good for a leisurely walk. A significant section of the trail is decked, making it easy to walk, and you can even hear the sounds of birds and the smell of grass. It is not large in scale, with stamp certification (6 locations), a migratory bird spot, and a firefly experience center, but it is good for a light trip. Please note that it is only open until 17:00 on weekdays.
13:57 29 May 22
Let’s go to Gildong Ecological Park, Seoul Forest Natural Park.You have to go to Seoul Public Service Reservation and make a reservation.
22:00 01 Nov 21
I knew you had to buy a ticket to get in, but no.Temperature check. I logged my visit and went in.It's a quick walk, but I think you'll need 30 minutes to take a closer look. You can hear the sound of birds and see another world in the city.
낌민수 (모름지기)
10:10 18 Apr 21
It is surprising that I have neven been here although this park is just few mins away from my house. I had a nice walk with my family with great quality of air.There is 400 people limit to enter per day, thus you are required to reserve in advance before your visit.
04:22 18 Oct 20
It's nice to have a forest path close to downtown Gangdong-gu.Parking is across the street at the Gildong Ecological Park Cultural Center parking lot.Park and go.The park is a bit noisy right now due to environmental improvement work.Still, it's nice to take a walk and breathe in the fresh air.
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