
청계천은 조선 초기부터 서울의 중심 하천으로 자리 잡았습니다.
그러나 1950년대부터 도시화가 급속히 진행되면서 오염과 침수 등으로 인해 복개되었습니다.
1980년대부터 청계천 복원 사업이 시작되었고, 2005년 8월 15일 시민들에게 개방되었습니다.
복원된 청계천은 서울의 대표적인 관광 명소로 자리 잡았습니다.

청계천의 주요 시설

청계광장: 청계천의 중심에 위치한 광장으로, 각종 행사와 공연이 개최됩니다.
청계천공원: 청계천 주변에 조성된 공원으로, 산책과 휴식을 즐길 수 있습니다.
청계광장지하상가: 청계광장 지하에 위치한 상가로, 다양한 음식점과 상점이 입점해 있습니다.
청계천 벽화길: 청계천 주변에 조성된 벽화길로, 다양한 벽화가 전시되어 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

서울에 위치한 관광지

Based on 8672 reviews
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Hyung Kim
00:58 14 Jul 24
David Chen
13:59 13 Jul 24
04:00 13 Jul 24
Jack Spideicy
00:59 13 Jul 24
Peaceful, beautiful and relaxing place. Strongly recommend for a walk !
14:13 29 Nov 23
One of my favorite places in Seoul. Walking along this stream is a great way to see the city without having to deal with the hustle and bustle of the city.
Niyom Kaseng
08:03 23 Nov 23
Very nice place to visit and see the development on how to transform the area in urban zone into the resourceful park. The area is quite clean and has enough space for people and travelers to join. Bicycle can be rent for cycling and exercise.
Elaine Yu
05:19 13 Nov 23
Beautiful stream through the middle of city center. It’s very calming to walk along the path which is one level below the city streets and a nice respite from the hustle above
Di Armbrust
07:52 31 Oct 23
This is a beautiful stream running through downtown Seoul. There was a festival on in Seoul while we were there. The theme appeared to be around books and reading. Cushions placed every metre along the stream (2 together) with a basket with books and a lantern in between. Relaxing music was played by a DJ and the mood was setting for a very relaxing afternoon. Love it!
Rebecca Gibbons
05:08 26 Oct 23
Urban Sanctuary: A favorite walk in the heart of the city featuring a large stream with beautiful stones and foliage attracting many types of birds. I ate many mulberries along the way
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