
아차산은 서울과 구리시의 경계에 위치한 산으로, 해발 203m의 낮은 산이지만, 한강과 도심의 풍경을 한눈에 내려다볼 수 있는 곳입니다.

아차산은 백제와 고구려, 신라, 고려, 조선 시대에 걸쳐 중요한 요충지로, 다양한 역사적 사건이 있었던 곳입니다.

[ 주요 볼거리 ]

– 아차산 정상: 정상에는 아차산 전망대가 있어 한강과 도심의 풍경을 한눈에 내려다볼 수 있습니다.

– 아차산성: 백제와 고구려, 신라, 고려 시대에 걸쳐 축조된 성으로, 현재는 일부만 남아 있습니다.

– 아차산길: 아차산 정상으로 이어지는 길로, 다양한 식물과 꽃이 심어져 있어 아름다운 풍경을 감상할 수 있습니다.
여행지 추가정보

서울에 위치한 관광지

Based on 333 reviews
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00:57 13 Aug 24
02:10 27 Jun 24
A mountain in Seoul.You can see the view of the Han River along with Yongmasan Mountain, and at sunset, you can see an incredible sunset.
05:35 24 Jun 24
A mountain suitable for family hiking and beginner hiking.It's also fun to look for the fort.A mountain you can enjoy in the city center
01:17 11 Jun 24
hyeokjun seo
hyeokjun seo
08:19 09 Jun 24
Even beginners can hike comfortably!! I started from the Goguryeo blacksmith village, and I think it took about two hours for a round trip. Touch your nose at Spiny Monkey Rock and pray once before leaving.
10:37 03 Dec 23
well paved and clearly marked hiking trail that is gentle and suitable for people of all ages.great views on the top with most of seoul and surroundings. maple trees are especially lovely in fall.walk up from walker hill.
Buster Got it
Buster Got it
12:45 30 Nov 23
Beautiful Mountain range between Seoul and Guri-si. You can visit many temples and fortress in this mountain. View of Hangang River and the bridges. You will need about 3 to 3.5 hrs to complete the mountains of Achasan and the mountain on the north (forgot the name of it)
Part time traveller기쁨
Part time traveller기쁨
22:07 31 May 23
If you hike for about 30 minutes at the entrance of Achasan, you can enjoy a wonderful view of Seoul. Make sure to enjoy the sunset and the night view here.
Byong-il Lim
Byong-il Lim
08:20 11 Jun 22
If you want to experience a hiking in Seoul, this small mountain, near Gwangnaru station of Seoul Metro Line 5, is one of the best choices. There are many easy but beautiful courses taking from one hour to 2~3 hours.
Jessica Antonio
Jessica Antonio
06:39 08 Dec 20
Mt. Achasan is easily accessible from Achasan Station (Purple Line). There's a 15-20 minute walk from the station where you walk along the neighborhood towards Dongui Elementary School. You will see the entrance along that road. The hike is very easy as the trail has a mix of stairs, some fibrous mats, sand, and limestone. The Seoul trail provides a very scenic view of Seoul. There are also camera stands for your phone located at some areas. The hike is just around 2 hours however, we got a bit lost on our way to the peak so we passed by it without noticing as the trail is connected to Mt. Yongmasan. With the traverse, you could head towards Yongmasan station on your way down (an additional 1-2 hours depending how fast you are). If you just want to hike Mt. Achasan, you can just use the same trail back down. There are also historical forts that you could see along the way but the hike itself already provides great views. This is perhaps one of my favorite hikes.
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