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여행지 추가정보

세종에 위치한 관광지

Yeongi Folk Museum
Based on 27 reviews
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B. Jamie
13:03 19 Jul 22
I think it is run by an individual. When visitors arrive, please open the door and turn on the lights. Management is not clean, but it seems to be working to some extent. There are traditional games outside that children can experience. There weren't many people, so I looked around leisurely.
12:39 26 Jun 22
There is a fee, there is a feeling that everything from prehistoric times to modern times is not well preserved, and it is sad to see new houses built in the middle.
Miyoung Yun
14:03 13 Apr 21
There are many cute and valuable old items.
08:29 11 Dec 18
It’s really fun, especially the twin-foot game!! it's fun
17:09 22 Nov 17
It is a local and folk museum located in Yeonseo-myeon. It is a useful museum where students can see the lifestyle of the past.
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