
세종호수공원은 세종특별자치시에 위치한 국내 최대 규모의 인공호수공원입니다. 2012년에 개장한 이 공원은 114만㎡의 넓은 면적에 호수, 습지, 산림, 잔디밭 등 다양한 자연경관을 갖추고 있으며, 시민들의 휴식과 여가를 위한 다양한 시설을 갖추고 있습니다.

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호수: 32만㎡ 규모의 호수는 국내 최대 규모의 인공호수입니다. 호수에서는 유람선, 카누, 수상레저 등 다양한 수상레저 활동을 즐길 수 있습니다.
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세종호수공원은 다양한 계절별 행사가 열리는 곳이기도 합니다. 봄에는 튤립축제, 여름에는 물놀이축제, 가을에는 단풍축제, 겨울에는 눈썰매축제 등이 열립니다.

세종호수공원은 가족, 친구, 연인 등 누구와 함께 방문해도 좋은 곳입니다. 도심 속에서 자연을 만끽하고 다양한 레저 활동을 즐길 수 있는 세종호수공원에 방문해보세요.
여행지 추가정보

세종에 위치한 관광지

Sejong Lake Park
Based on 3355 reviews
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Yuxian Du
Yuxian Du
00:20 06 Feb 24
Though visited during winter time, this is still a great place of serenity. Very well organized and designed for some outdoor fresh air in a growing city.
Prabakaran Shankar
Prabakaran Shankar
23:55 01 Oct 23
A big, green park where you can spend the day. good for an individual, and a family with kids. There is free parking right in front of the park for everyone. The best way to have fun in this park is to ride a bike by yourself or with your family. The park can be seen in one hour (fast). This family bike has two adult seats and two child seats. It costs 17,000 KRW per hour (Oct 2023). For a family bike ride with four adult seats and two child seats, check out the other bike rental service close to the Laguna Baum Hotel. It's very cheap (25,000 KRW/hour). There are stages open for performances. Check out the view at night.
02:31 16 Sep 23
Great park, very well groomed and modern! There’s a lot of space for walking, so beautiful and different views.
Elena Kowalska
Elena Kowalska
04:34 22 May 23
One of the most high-tech and user-friendly parks we visited so far. Sejong Lake Park is quite big, and there's always something to do or look at. You can rent different types of bikes to get around the park swiftly on the bike lane, or you can just walk around and relax on benches, small beaches, in the shade of umbrellas on the grass, under patios, look at the water or feed carps. There's quite a few convenience stores and toilets around, most of the festivals are held here - we witnessed the Rose festival first hand, where you could buy young plants and decorative plants. When it's hot, there are places with a mist to cool you down. It's pretty cool here.
09:06 10 Oct 20
Sejong Lake Park has biking trails, lots of room for day camping and kids playground and activities. There's a convenience store, restaurants, public restrooms and charging spots in case one needs them. You can also bring your own food or have it delivered while you're at the park. For artists and musicians, there is a mini-stage in the circular dome where one can perform as well as various places along the lake shore for performances.
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