
세종중앙공원은 세종특별자치시에 위치한 도심 속 대규모 공원입니다. 2020년 11월 1단계 공사가 완료되어 개장되었으며, 총 면적 약 138만㎡에 달하는 넓은 공간을 자랑합니다.

세종중앙공원의 주요 시설:
-장남들광장: 다양한 행사와 축제가 열리는 공간입니다.
-복합체육시설: 축구장, 야구장, 테니스장 등 다양한 체육시설을 갖추고 있습니다.
-가족여가숲: 가족 단위로 여가를 즐길 수 있는 공간입니다.
-가족예술숲: 소규모 문화 행사가 열리는 공간입니다.
-호수공원: 아름다운 호수와 다양한 수생식물을 감상할 수 있는 공간입니다.
-금강보행교: 호수를 가로지르는 아름다운 보행교입니다.

세종중앙공원은 도심 속에서 자연을 만끽할 수 있는 곳입니다. 산책, 자전거 타기, 피크닉 등 다양한 레저 활동을 즐길 수 있으며, 가족, 친구, 연인 등 누구와 함께 방문해도 좋은 곳입니다.
여행지 추가정보

세종에 위치한 관광지

Sejong Central Park
Based on 156 reviews
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amu eliz
amu eliz
14:54 23 Oct 22
23:09 27 Aug 22
I went to Central Park in the evening. The weather has become very chilly. The kids had fun playing on the trampoline. There's always a long line for the zip line. It would be nice if they made another one. Playing ball on the lawn of Central Park... has become a popular spot in Sejong. It's a really nice place.
wonsil Heo
wonsil Heo
15:15 24 May 22
Sejong Central Park, located between Sejong Lake Park and Sejong Arboretum, is a place loved by Sejong citizens as a resting place with a spacious and comfortable environment.
smin Lee
smin Lee
08:50 24 Oct 21
It looks good for playing as it has a large space and a slightly sloping lawn area overall. However, other than laying down a mat, there are not many benches to sit on. There is a cafe and convenience store in the building. There aren't many items yet.It may not be possible to handle the number of people, but they are the right size to welcome guests who are not present in the Corona era.The landscaping still needs two more years to be perfect. The trees are all young and bare.
05:05 05 Oct 21
Sejong Central Park playground. I went early in the morning so there weren't many people. It's big and fun to play with. It's nice to have a bathroom right next to it.What's disappointing is that some of the rides are unusable.After walking for about 10 minutes, we came to a sand playground.
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