
생각하는정원은 제주도 한경면에 있는 예술적인 정원으로, 한 농부가 1968년부터 황무지를 개척하여 만든 곳입니다. 1만 2천 평의 대지에 7개의 정원이 있으며, 각 정원은 폭포, 연못, 돌다리 등으로 연결되어 있습니다. 정원에는 수백 종의 분재와 정원수, 그리고 특이한 형상의 괴석과 수석이 전시되어 있습니다. 돌담과 돌문, 자연석 석조건물 등은 제주의 자연과 멋을 잘 표현하고 있습니다. 정원에는 창조와 예술, 심오한 사상과 철학이 융합된 분위기가 있으며, 나무에 대한 이해를 돕는 설명글도 볼 수 있습니다. 세계 언론의 주목을 받은 생각하는정원은 세계명사들이 가장 많이 다녀간 명소로도 유명합니다.

생각하는정원 근처에는 많은 관광명소들이 있습니다.

한림공원은 9가지 테마로 꾸며진 공원으로, 시즌별로 다양한 꽃 축제가 열리는 곳입니다.

오설록 티 뮤지엄은 녹차와 한국 전통 차문화를 이해할 수 있는 장소로, 다양한 티 제품을 구입하거나 녹차밭을 바라볼 수 있는 전망대를 이용할 수 있습니다.

제주 유리의 성은 유리로 만든 건축물과 조형물이 있는 곳으로, 유리공예 체험도 할 수 있습니다.

테지움 제주는 과학과 예술이 결합된 테마파크로, 다양한 체험과 전시를 즐길 수 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

제주도에 위치한 관광지

Spirited Garden
Based on 1523 reviews
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14:56 14 Mar 24
It was the best experience for my South Korea trip so far. It was a nice day and the park was astonishing. The best part for me personally were the koi fish. We even met the Chairman personally and he answered all of our questions and made time for us to show us around a little bit. It was really amazing and I’m so glad for the experience and thankful that I was able to met the person who created this wonderful piece of nature and beauty. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience such a beautiful and truly unique Park. I can only recommend it. Best 15.000 Won spend ever!Sincerely Leo
Nicole Emma Low
11:51 10 Feb 24
Loved this garden and the philosophy behind the thought of the founder when he was curating the space. The trees were beautiful even in winter where there were little to no leaves. There’s a certain beauty to bare bonsai trees and there’s much to appreciate as well. There are signboards everywhere explaining how to appreciate the art of bonsai and how the principles of maintaining trees tie to the principles of life. I got to meet the owner and see him trim the bonsai trees, it was a treat!However only the cafe is open, the restaurant was closed and there was a tea room that was closed which led to another part of the garden that was closed off.
Joey Chin
12:44 17 Jan 24
We were so honoured to meet the owner of this place when we visited! He is still working hard with the plants in the garden. Looking at the beautiful scenery and properly planned garden, it heals your soul and also admires the owner's spirit to make this place so zen with all the histories throughout his life.Recommend to visit here when you're in Jeju!
Pierre Buet
07:34 16 Sep 23
Wonderful garden. Mr Sung (the creator ) told us that he spent 55 years to build this garden and to make it absolutely perfect!Many dignitaries from all over the world came to visit his garden.That’s absolutely an amazing life story!
Daniel Kinnoch
04:50 04 Sep 23
Nice garden with attractive water features. Disappointed though with the cost - much more than equivalent gardens I’ve visited elsewhere around the world including charging for children who really have little appreciation at the age of four. Plus two entire garden areas on site that you can’t even visit / see and that appear much higher quality than the main garden. Numerous exhibits on site also not operational such a Puer tea room. I feel judging by all the publicity around the number of politicians that have visited they they’re mainly angling at being a place of diplomacy rather then offering a garden back to the general public.
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