
산지천의 맑은 물은 한라산 부근에서 제주시 도심을 관통하여 제주시 최대의 재래시장인 동문시장 옆을 흘러 제주항까지 흘러가는 하천이다.
산지천이 위치한 건입동에서는 산지천 용천수가 흐르는 길을 따라 다양한 체험공간과 전시, 먹거리 장터, 흥겨운 무대와 공연 등이 있는 ‘산지천 축제’를 개최해 맛있는 먹거리와 다양한 볼거리를 제공하고 있다.
하천 주변에는 현대 미술 전시 공간인 ‘아라리오뮤지엄’이 두 군데가 있고, 과거 제주인들에게 본인의 모든 것을 내놓고 나눔과 봉사를 몸소 실천하신 김만덕 할머니를 기리는 ‘김만덕 기념관’등과 같은 다양한 박물관이 있다.

여행지 추가정보

제주도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 47 reviews
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10:32 12 Jul 24
08:43 12 Apr 24
Gwan Ho Choi
07:58 13 Jan 24
As soon as I got close, I was shocked by the smell of the gutter.I don't know why it can't be managed.Why did they spend money to repair this gutter...
Collin Ng
04:42 04 Dec 23
Nice cooling walk along the river. Some parts a bit dirty, minus points.
09:12 06 Oct 23
Catherine Tsang
09:14 14 Apr 23
River is dry and not in flow
Jaehyun Park
02:39 21 Jul 22
This is a river near Ildoil-dong, Jeju City. There are parks and various recreational facilities around the stream with clear water, making it a good place to take a leisurely stroll. A fountain show is also held at night, adding to the attractions. And with Dongmun Market and Jeju Port nearby, you can enjoy a variety of food and things to see.
18:35 07 Jan 22
This place is so pretty. I bet in spring it looks so gorgeous with flowers 🌸. Had fun taking #ootd shots here.
13:38 16 Nov 20
Came across this road while walking my way from hotel to Dongmun market looking for some food. It was very relaxing here, especially in the afternoon. At night, there is dancing fountain near the entrance to Dongmun market. Felt really lucky and grateful I was able to visit this place last year.
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