
원앙폭포는 제주도 서귀포시에 위치한 아름다운 자연 관광지입니다돈내코 입구에서 시작되는 산책로를 따라 약 20분을 걸으면 도착하는 이 폭포는, 두 개의 물줄기가 떨어지는 모습이 금슬 좋은 원앙 한 쌍이 살았다는 전설에서 이름을 따왔습니다. 한라산에서 내려오는 차고 맑은 물이 흐르는 돈내코는 숲으로 둘러싸인 경치가 아름다워 많은 사람들이 찾는 곳입니다. 원앙폭포는 매년 음력 7월 15일 백중날에 여름철 물맞이 행사로 유명하며, 이는 폭포에서 떨어지는 차가운 물을 맞아 통증을 낫게 하는 제주 전통 민간요법입니다.

원앙폭포 주변에는 다양한 관광명소들이 있어 함께 방문하기 좋습니다영실기암, 서귀포자연휴양림, 정방폭포, 외돌개, 수악계곡 등이 인근에 위치해 있으며, 돈내코에는 아영장과 카라반 등의 편의 시설도 갖춰져 있어 편리하게 이용할 수 있습니다. 이곳은 자연의 아름다움을 만끽하며 휴식을 취하거나, 사진을 찍기에도 이상적인 장소입니다.

여행지 추가정보

제주도에 위치한 관광지

Wonang Falls
Based on 1087 reviews
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Susan Lee
13:07 25 Jul 23
This place is a magical paradise you can’t miss if you’re active, into swimming in nature, and can deal with stairs. The water is freezing but plunging into the cold water is invigorating and you feel every cell of your body coming to life that you will regret passing by it. The hike up and down and steps to the waterfall is absolutely worth it to be a part of this piece of heaven on earth!
Ethan Shoe
07:26 24 May 23
Pretty nice waterfall. It's not big or special enough to go out of your way for in my opinion, but it's a very short hike (lots of stairs) and for a peaceful and gorgeous waterfall with pretty water. I came at around 4pm on a weekday and was literally the only one there. No ticket purchase required.
John Nguyen
09:48 27 Apr 23
Came here at 5pm and it was completely empty. There is a cafe near the entrance/parking lot but it was closed when I got there. There is a tent there for a bunch of cats!The hiking trail is just a bunch of well made stairs with clear signs. It's impossible to go the wrong way. At the end of this very short hike (less than 10 minutes), you get to the waterfall where you can scramble on some boulders to get closer or swim. It was too cold for us to swim in April. Walking back was more tiring as the walk in was mostly going down stairs.Overall a very cute and chill hike.
07:01 21 May 21
very pretty waterfalls. clear blue water. would be nice to swim in but above the pool/water there are thousands of flies swarming above ...it’s pretty gross so i’m not sure if you want to swim with them. also steep climb of stairs if you’re willing. short walk from the road. don’t go here if you don’t have a car bc the bus doesn’t really come here at all. maybe every couple of hours and there’s no time schedule.
Linda Jwa
08:27 08 Sep 19
A cold and clear mountain river insidd the forest. At hot days there are many people but its a very tranquil spot on other days where one can be alone in nature.
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