제주올레 12코스

제주올레 12코스는 서귀포시의 무릉 생태학교에서 시작하여 신도리 산경도예를 거쳐 용수포구 절부암 앞까지 이어지는 약 17.1km의 아름다운 길입니다. 이 코스는 들과 바다, 오름을 따라 걸으며 제주의 자연을 가까이에서 느낄 수 있는 중간 난이도의 트레일로, 완주하는 데 대략 5~6시간이 소요됩니다.

주변 관광명소로는 다음과 같은 곳들이 있습니다

수월봉: 제주올레 12코스의 하이라이트 중 하나로, 해안 절경과 함께 아름다운 일몰을 감상할 수 있는 명소입니다.

당산봉: 제주의 전통적인 마을을 지나며, 정상에서는 주변의 아름다운 경관을 조망할 수 있습니다.

엉알해안: 제주의 서쪽 해안을 따라 걸으며, 특히 해안의 기암괴석과 함께 아름다운 일몰을 볼 수 있는 곳입니다.

생이기정: 바다와 인접한 이곳에서는 해안의 멋진 풍경과 함께 특히 노을이 아름다운 곳으로 알려져 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

제주도에 위치한 관광지

Jeju Olle Trail - Route 12 (Mureung - Yongsu)
Based on 119 reviews
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09:27 24 Feb 24
Jeju Olle 17.5km.Difficulty is average.There are many pretty places to take a walk.They say dolphins appear, so you're lucky.I see dolphins in groups. wow.The harmony of the blue sea and clear sky is beautiful.
05:59 12 Nov 23
A festival where even the weather helped!!! Please give me more usable contents of the participation package. There are too many. ㅠㅠThere were fewer people than in the past, but it was fun^*^
Jen Kim
09:53 22 Feb 23
Personally, this is the Olle Trail that impressed me the most. You can pass through both the forest and the sea, and there are many things to see here and there. In particular, the coastal path from Suwolbong Peak to Yongsu Port was a geotrail course, so it was very unique and cool.
09:57 22 Mar 21
Chagwido Island can be seen during Olle Course 12. On Chagwido Island, from the left, there are Chagwido Island, Maebawi Island, and Nuunseom Island in that order.The wind was blowing so hard that it looked like a strong wind, but the wind was strong and it looked even better because of the waves. I had to finish walking quickly, but it was so cool that I couldn't take my eyes off it. ^^An island that shows a different appearance from every angle you look at it! It was a beautiful island no matter which angle you looked at.
Sooyeon Kim
13:48 27 Dec 17
It's breath taking whenever turn around and look up and down I continuously said to myself isn't it amazing. This beautiful coastal walking path will take you to the another world once you try it, for sure.It's winter but weather was mild(sunny, windy, and around 6celcius) also at the end of year not many people visit and walk this jeju olle course 12. However, those condition and reasons made this experience even more special. all my attention is for the sea, birds, trees, clouds, cliff, dancing flame grasses, unparalleled view from everywhere. Plus, nothing but nature companied me.
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