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일출랜드 아트센터: 자연염색 체험을 할 수 있는 곳으로, 쪽풀을 직접 재배하여 천연 염료로 사용합니다.

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여행지 추가정보

제주도에 위치한 관광지

Jeju Marine Animal Museum
Based on 685 reviews
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Tzuyu Huang
11:24 11 Feb 24
Although it is not as lifelike as the Marine Life Museum, most of the educational and entertainment places are model displays, but the staff in the museum give detailed explanations and are friendly, so it is suitable for bringing children to learn. However, because they are mainly in Korean, it is not easy to learn. Suitable for foreigners.
Mark Bodak
22:15 05 Oct 23
well put together. alot on display. not alot of English available.
Jay Park
12:21 04 Nov 22
Highly recommended for families with kids.Not huge in terms of size but the museum was full of contents and very well maintained.
Seok-hyun Jeong
02:50 14 Sep 22
Nice place to see the see animal with kids. Some challenges for elementry school student.
03:31 27 Aug 21
It's a tiny museum, but people are very kind and children have good experience time.
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