
애월한담해안산책로는 제주도 애월항에서 곽지과물해변까지 해안을 따라 조성된 산책로입니다. 이곳은 용암이 굳어지면서 만들어진 다양한 신기한 형태의 바위들이 시선을 끌고, 검은 바위로 이루어진 해안을 따라 구불구불하게 이어지는 길은 산책 길에 재미를 더해줍니다. 총 길이는 1.2km이며, 바로 옆에 파도가 첨벙거리는 해안 길을 따라 걸을 수 있습니다. (소형견, 중형견, 대형견 입장가능 / 동물보호법에 따라 목줄·가슴줄 길이 2미터 이내로 유지 리드줄 / 배변봉투 필수)

애월한담해안산책로 근처의 관광명소로는 한림공원, 금능해수욕장, 협재해수욕장, 오설록 티뮤지엄 등이 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

제주도에 위치한 관광지

Handam Coastal Walk
Based on 228 reviews
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Li Yun Tai
07:16 03 Sep 24
06:21 16 Aug 24
Drew Mc
11:34 13 Jul 24
Very relaxing and nice family activity
enegante forza
04:24 04 Jul 24
Jeju scenery Nambawan
03:13 28 Jun 24
It was cloudy when I went, but when it's bright, it's a really pretty place. It's great for a walk, and there are a lot of places where you can ride transparent kayaks and pretty cafes nearby!! Recommended as a date course~
Chin Gi
09:36 09 Dec 23
Beautiful coastal views. You can follow the Olle Trial markers easily. Many cafes in the area if you want to grab a bite with good ambience.
Eber Shibin
11:13 29 Jul 23
A beautiful coastal line in the district of Aewol. There is a well laid out path, the quite a long one, to take a stroll and stare at the beautiful sea in front of it. At the very corner, is the goto area of Aewol with all the fancy cafes and restaurants stacked against one another. Parking is a challenge. But if you're ok with shelling out a bit for parking than u usually do, there is an empty area just 500m away from the main area of Aewol, and it's quite empty. The coastal line can get tricky to walk through when its way too windy and cold, and as I experienced similar conditions having gone there around 2nd week of April.
Alicia Ong
11:32 25 Jun 23
Beautiful coastal views of both the rocks and cafes by the sea with small pockets of beaches. Some stairs to get down to the wall, otherwise an easy trail.
Claire Tyrrell
08:38 21 May 23
Lovely peaceful walk. You can get a nice sunset. Be aware the coast walk does not always stick to the coast but when it does it is worth it. Nice harbours too.
07:01 29 Mar 23
Well constructed coastal path winding around the beaches and coves.
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