천왕사는 한라산 어승생 동쪽에 수많은 봉우리와 골짜기로 이루어진 아흔아홉골(구구곡)중 하 나인 금봉곡 아래 위치한 사찰이다.
1955년 천왕사 근처 토굴에서 참선수행하던 비룡시님에 의해 수영산선원이란 명칭으로 처음 창건되었다. 현재는 조계종 교구로 등록되어 있으며 비교적 건립된지 오래되지 않았으나 1994년 전통 사찰로 지정되었다.
It's a Buddhist temple kind of in the forest or at least immediately before it. From here you can make your way up and link up with the nearby hiking trails. Not sure but these are the ones to climb Hallasan. They may or may not take you all the way to the crater.It's pretty quiet and peaceful up here as you would imagine a temple to be.Oh by the way the shrine isn't the first one as you turn and park. We got confused. We may have been trying to access the office. Not sure all I know is that we were told not to go up and pointed in the direction of the actual temple.
Buy candle. Light up in the main temple. Pray for sucess in work/live/rich. Pick only one wish.Quiet place. Beautiful.Toilet is clean. Parking lot is big.