
천지연폭포는 제주특별자치도 서귀포시에 위치한 아름다운 폭포로, ‘하늘(천)과 땅(지)이 만나 이루어진 연못’이라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 폭포의 높이는 약 22m이며, 폭포 아래에는 수심이 20m에 이르는 깊은 웅덩이가 있어, 그 깊이와 아름다움으로 많은 관광객들을 매혹합니다.

천지연폭포 주변에는 다양한 볼거리가 있습니다.

서귀포매일올레시장은 지역 특산품을 구경하고 맛볼 수 있는 곳입니다.

외돌개는 기암괴석이 바다 위로 솟아 있는 자연의 걸작으로 유명합니다.

정방폭포는 천지연폭포와 함께 서귀포의 대표적인 폭포 중 하나로, 해안가에 위치해 있어 바다와 함께 조화를 이루는 장관을 연출합니다.

여행지 추가정보

제주도에 위치한 관광지

Cheonjiyeon Waterfalls
Based on 8293 reviews
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Bingbing Toh
11:24 21 Mar 24
A small park with a small waterfall but very peaceful to walk
Collin Ng
12:14 10 Dec 23
A waterfall known for it being well lit at night. We had a cooling leisurely walk along the way to the waterfall.
Mimi Li
04:25 25 Nov 23
Beautiful and easy walk to the falls. You can buy tickets at the entrance for 2,000 KRW per adult. At the entrance, there are mini persimmon trees. We caught a cute green bird snacking on one of the persimmons. During warmer months, you can jump into the water to cool off.
Nick Patterson
17:43 11 Oct 23
Beautiful falls. Worth a trip just to see some fat bruiser ducks and huge koi. Go down the dead end path on the way back and sit on the rocks and have two seconds to chill out by the rapids. No one bothers down there. It’s nice. Pretty short visit, like a 20 min round trip. Ticket machine was super easy in English too.
12:20 09 Aug 23
We went here while it was raining, that was no problem it was still really great! They also sell umbrellas and ponchoos right next to the ticket booth.The tickets are 2.000 won for adults (25 - 65) and for the youth it is only 1.000 won (up until 24 years).Lovely place.
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