
카멜리아힐은 동양에서 가장 큰 동백 수목원으로, 토종 동백부터 아기 동백, 유럽 동백 등 80여 개국 500여 품종의 수많은 동백꽃을 만날 수 있습니다. 이곳은 사계절 내내 아름다운 꽃들을 볼 수 있는 곳으로, 다양한 시즌에 맞춰 다양한 꽃들이 피어납니다.

여기서 주변의 관광명소를 소개해드리겠습니다

헬로 키티 아일랜드: 헬로 키티를 사랑하는 분들에게는 특히 인기 있는 장소입니다.

세계자동차제주박물관: 자동차 열정가들이라면 꼭 방문해보세요.

대포해안주상절리대: 아름다운 해안 경관을 감상할 수 있는 곳입니다.

제주 여미지 식물원: 다양한 식물들을 관찰하고 즐길 수 있는 곳입니다.

신화테마파크: 제주도의 다양한 신화와 전설을 배울 수 있는 장소입니다.

여행지 추가정보

제주도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 14532 reviews
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Maria Lee
15:49 10 Apr 24
Please… who in the world is giving this place 5 stars? This place is a joke. Save your money and time and go somewhere else. Or if you want to see nice flowers, just go to a nursery, since what the highlight of this place really was. This place is so lame (and small) that they put a whole bunch of photo opts props to make it more “fun” (since we live in an IG world and they get more publicity when ppl post). The country roads and highways have better scenery and flowers than here. Do your selves a favor and don’t come to this joke of a place.
Evelyn Chye
13:22 10 Apr 24
To be fair, my review is based on the time of visit which is beginning of April 2024. The blossom season is just over and the garden looks pathetic. Not worth the entrance fees at all. At this time, it should be called sakura Hill because we can see more sakura tree than camellia. The greenhouses house more vibrant plants which just look intentional and not natural at all. All the ig spots look very marketing gimmick and ugly. The ponds with dirty water constantly sprouting. I regret visiting at specific timing.
Peter Kin
03:24 08 Apr 24
Nice place, not too tiring to walk around, lots of photo spots and of course beautiful nature
06:00 12 Nov 23
Camelia are in bloom (about 40%). Give it another week and it will be amazing. Lovely muhlybush and pampas grass at autumn garden. Budget 90 to 120 minutes if taking pictures.
Saeid Ahmadi
03:06 09 Nov 23
The botanical garden is one of a kind. We can't even believe the scenes we walked through. The ponds and the main observation spot are a must visit, especially during autumn festival exhibition.You need atleast 2 hours to fully enjoy the gardens and each section.
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