
화북악, 베리오름이라고도 한다. 쇄설성(碎屑性) 퇴적암과 용암으로 이루어진 기생 화산으로 화북1동의 동쪽 해안에 있다. 해발 136m의 낮은 산이지만 제주시 최고의 산책로로 평가받는 장수산책로(長壽散策路)가 둘레를 감싸고 있어 제주 시민뿐만 아니라 관광객들도 많이 찾는다.

북쪽 사면은 급경사를 이루는 가파른 절벽인데, 이곳에 유명한 바위인 애기업은돌과 자살바위가 있다. 별도봉 정상에 오르면 제주항, 마을 전경, 아름다운 해안과 드넓은 앞바다 등이 한눈에 내려다보인다.

여행지 추가정보

제주도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 80 reviews
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08:59 20 Jun 24
04:40 16 Mar 24
The most beautiful panoramic view of Jeju City, the Byeoldobong Coastal Trail. If you can climb up to Sarabong in one go, the cliff coastal trail can truly be said to be a hidden gem.
judy lao
06:24 29 Jan 24
Good 😊
13:37 03 Dec 23
Byeoldobong Peak, which is connected to Sarabong Park, has beautiful sunsets and is a popular destination for New Year's sunrise.It is a great place to take a walk on the Olle Trail course and enjoy the harbor view.It is also called Hwabukak or Berry Oreum. It is a parasitic volcano composed of clastic sedimentary rock and lava and is located on the eastern coast of Hwabuk 1-dong. Although it is a low mountain at 136m above sea level, it is surrounded by the Jangsu Trail, which is considered the best walking trail in Jeju City, so it is visited by many tourists as well as Jeju citizens.The northern slope is a steep cliff with a steep slope, and here are the famous rocks Aegyeob-eundol and Suicide Rock. When you climb to the top of Byeoldobong, you can see Jeju Port, the entire village, the beautiful coast, and the wide offshore sea at a glance. (Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia)
13:07 01 Aug 23
YH Jung
08:14 22 Jul 22
There are several trails, including a path to the summit and a path along the sea. I walked the trail connected to the Olle Trail, and it was great to be able to feel the green forest while looking at the port and the sea. I think the biggest advantage of Byeoldobong is that it is close to the city center and can be reached easily.
Hana Hyun
15:45 10 Apr 22
I visited Cherry Blossom Piljeok in early April and saw a lot of pretty trees. It's a great place for a quick exercise or walk.
MeiFang (MeiFang)
01:28 09 Apr 21
It’s about 20 minutes to walk to the top and there is an exercise park when you walk up. Lots of people on the day we went.
06:21 09 Aug 19
Nice short trail up to the hill top. Good view of surrounding area: Sarabong Peak, port below and city areas.
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