
연미정은 인천광역시 강화군 강화읍 월곶리에 위치한 고려시대의 누정입니다. 1995년 3월 2일 인천광역시의 유형문화재 제24호로 지정되었습니다.

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고려시대의 누정으로, 조선시대에도 계속 사용되었습니다.

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여행지 추가정보

인천에 위치한 관광지

Yeonmijeong Pavilion
Based on 757 reviews
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20:04 30 Apr 24
07:58 24 Apr 24
There was someone explaining it, so I tried the explanation.becomes shared
15:02 23 Apr 24
It is a church that is old and beautiful enough to be a cultural heritage.
Billy Kebi
Billy Kebi
08:26 22 Apr 24
There's nothing to see.I don't want to go looking for it on purposeIt doesn't work.
11:35 21 Apr 24
I recommend Yeon Mi-jeong~~
Daeng Go
Daeng Go
02:41 13 Aug 23
One of the peaceful places in Korea. But this city faces the North Korea.
Dan Dworkin
Dan Dworkin
00:53 01 Apr 23
While it is not a big stop on the way, it is a charming place even though it is a fort / lookout. In the photos you will see a chalk outline from a fallen tree that was a few hundred years old. Worth seeing if you're on the island. You can also get a view of N Korea from there.
Derek Lee
Derek Lee
08:00 13 Jun 22
Just about see the North with the bino .
Jaeyoun Kim
Jaeyoun Kim
22:36 15 May 21
It's rainy day. But you can see wide view.Please don't take a photo of military facilities.
Kooseong Cheong
Kooseong Cheong
04:00 01 Sep 18
North Korean territory is clearly seen from here. A light breeze comes and goes across the line drawn by humans.
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