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여행지 추가정보

인천에 위치한 관광지

Wangsan Beach
Based on 1609 reviews
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00:25 12 Jun 24
08:37 28 May 24
A place that only those who know so far know about.A place I wish was less known.
طارق الصعيدى
07:26 19 May 24
Nice place
Thuy Tran Lam
09:12 13 May 24
It’s really hard to find parking with reasonable price here. They have paid parking lot but it was expensive so most people choose to park along the street and walk back to the beach. It was May when I was here but still a lot of people, I had the feeling that this beach is not that clean.
14:15 27 Mar 24
11:51 15 Aug 23
Wang San Beach, South Korea
Dušanka Vujović
10:59 24 Jun 23
Beautiful sand beach. I was there in May, I guess it's very crowded in the summer season.
10:07 02 Apr 23
Much nicer than expected! 🏝️❤️Clean and not too crowded beach with nice sand !! 🏖️
02:40 11 Sep 22
Great beach with small waves ideal for swimming and having fun! Majority of adult beach goers just sit around in their clothes but water is amazing as kids and I can testify! Few restaurants, cafés, and cinvenience stores around. Public restrooms and a bus stop nearby.
WJ Sean Lee
06:02 17 Aug 19
Small beach next to Incheon international airport. Waves are not strong but quite big difference of ebb and tide. Be careful to built a tent on the flooded area.
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