
소래포구는 인천광역시 남동구에 위치한 어항입니다. 1987년 12월 1일 국가어항으로 지정되었으며, 면적은 약 11만 6,000㎡입니다.

소래포구는 다음과 같은 특징을 가지고 있습니다.

수산물의 집산지이자, 다양한 먹거리를 즐길 수 있는 곳입니다.
소래습지생태공원, 새우타워 등 볼거리와 즐길거리가 풍부합니다.
서울과 가까워 접근성이 좋습니다.
소래포구는 수산물의 집산지입니다. 싱싱한 해산물을 저렴한 가격에 구입할 수 있으며, 다양한 해산물 요리를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 또한, 소래습지생태공원, 새우타워 등 볼거리와 즐길거리가 풍부합니다.

소래포구에는 다음과 같은 주요 시설이 있습니다.

소래포구시장 : 다양한 해산물을 판매하는 시장입니다.
소래습지생태공원 : 다양한 생태환경을 관찰할 수 있는 공원입니다.
새우타워 : 소래포구의 전망을 감상할 수 있는 타워입니다.

소래포구는 서울과 가까워 접근성이 좋습니다. 자가용이나 대중교통을 이용하여 편리하게 방문할 수 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

인천에 위치한 관광지

Based on 11805 reviews
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06:31 16 May 24
Myungsoon Chang
11:36 15 May 24
Spicy seafood kalguksuHomemade cost is better
23:29 13 May 24
Andrey Kim
08:06 03 Nov 23
Traditional Korean fish market with all kinds of seafood. Prices are reasonable. No smelly things. Most sellers speak only Korean, so be prepared.
Mornoon K
16:06 28 Oct 23
This place is one of the famous seafood markets near Seoul. To be exact, it's in Incheon. There are many restaurants where you can take your purchased seafood and eat it. When you purchase seafood, you are often asked if you want to eat it there, but when you go after a referral, there is a cost per person. These include the cost of preparing side dishes for the purchased seafood so that it is edible, the cost of preparing it on the table so that it is edible, and the cost of cooking ingredients that require cooking. You will not be charged a very excessive fee, but please know in advance and go to the recommended place to enjoy your fresh seafood~
18:17 21 Sep 23
Even though it was dinner time, there were not many customers. As Japan dumps radioactive contaminated water into the sea, fisheries workers face many difficulties. I think it will become more difficult as time goes by. Now is the season for blue crabs, so crabs are sold at the cheapest prices. They said they would give me fish at a low price, but I ended up eating it somewhere else.Order:-Main dish: 1.4 kg of wild flounder, 1 kg of shrimp, 6 crabs.-Side dish: perilla leaves, lettuce, soy sauce, wasabi, red pepper paste.-Drinks: 2 cans of Coca-Cola. 1 bottle of soju. -Served: sea squirt, shad. Table setting (seating price): 4 people: salt grill, spicy soup.Total : about $130@@Japan's discharge of radioactive contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean threatens all life on Earth.@@
11:49 07 Sep 23
If you want good price and fresh raw fish, you need to stop by this traditional fish market. You will see and meet very friendly people.I really love this place!
Nanatchalan Kim
09:36 15 Mar 22
It’s a nice Seafood market—every seafood stuff you want to buy, including many kinds of seafood side dishes. You also can buy and ask them to cook there.
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