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여행지 추가정보

인천에 위치한 관광지

Museum of Korea Emigration History
Based on 677 reviews
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YoungKeun Jung
04:05 10 Jun 24
About immigration to KoreaA place where you can have a structured experience.When visiting Wolmido, visit Wolmi Park along withIt would be nice to take a walk with the kids.
22:15 30 May 24
It is a place that shows one side of the turbulent history that our people went through as they began immigrating to America at the end of the Joseon Dynasty, and shows the sad story of a people without a country.
05:12 29 May 24
A museum where you can see the history of Korean immigration.great
06:51 16 May 24
There is an introduction to the life of early Korean immigrants and many interesting historical relics, which is suitable for those who want to understand immigrant culture.
Naveen Gurazada
10:22 05 Oct 23
Very informative museum, this shows the Korean culture and diversity in various fields how they have helped other nations and settled there. Koreans contributions to the leading nations. Ancient passport and immigration has been well preserved and presented.Good to have a glance at the ancient emigration. My experience was good. It is well maintained.
Jennifer Gilbert
11:45 06 Dec 22
Lots of interesting information here on the first Koreans who moved overseas mainly to Hawaii. English signage in all areas except the special exhibits. Very well done.
M. Herrn
13:53 30 Jul 22
Very sad history but it is important to know it if you want to understand better the Korean people.
Hope Leticia
11:40 06 Jul 19
Has a lot of information about Korea's emigration but it is displayed in Korean, English and some Chinese so you need to know one of these or have someone that does inorder to have a fruiful visit.
Peter Kadden
04:33 28 Mar 18
Very nice museum of immigration history from Korea, focusing on the early 1900s. Exhibits have small English explanations, but the free audio guide offers even more detailed explanation on top of that.
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