
인더쥬는 인천광역시 연수구 송도국제도시에 위치한 실내 동물원입니다. 2013년 7월에 개장하였으며, 총면적 12,000㎡에 50여 종의 동물들이 서식하고 있습니다.

인더쥬는 동물과 직접 교감할 수 있는 체험형 동물원으로 유명합니다. 동물들의 먹이를 주고, 어루만지고, 함께 사진을 찍을 수 있는 다양한 프로그램이 운영되고 있습니다.

인더쥬는 크게 4개의 구역으로 나눌 수 있습니다.

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페라리랜드는 어린이들을 위한 놀이시설이 있는 곳입니다.
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수족관은 다양한 종류의 물고기들을 관찰할 수 있는 곳입니다.

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여행지 추가정보

인천에 위치한 관광지

Based on 36 reviews
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Woongcredible choi
11:15 04 May 24
It was the baby's birthday, and even though it was late, the staff were very kind and the baby was able to have a very happy birthday. Thank you very much. I definitely want to come back!!!
15:37 02 Apr 24
Animals should never be confined in spaces like this. It's ridiculously narrow, and I don't know if these guys have ever seen sunlight. It really makes no sense when you look at it in real life.. If this isn’t animal abuse, then what is it? I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. It's hard to believe that animals are locked in a prison like this in the middle of Triple Street.These friends also have a desire to walk freely and breathe fresh air. Because it's life. Don't let them die while breathing only heater air in an abnormally tight space that is just a few steps from end to end. I am truly so pitiful.Is the experience of touching an alpaca important enough to send these guys into a lifetime of pain?
00:37 12 Nov 23
11:54 22 Oct 23
08:25 23 Jul 23
Since this is a place where animals are raised, smells are unavoidable.It was too hot insideI recommend going in winter!
05:49 23 Jun 23
There is a sick house, the facilities are good, and the parrots are very nice to touch. There is also a children's playroom, so I recommend living with children.
15:00 24 Apr 23
I've been to a lot of indoor zoos, but this was new because I could touch the cats and be close to the alpacas. There is a hand washing station nearby and a play room. It was a shame that it smelled a little bit.
Zion Y
11:15 21 Feb 23
Animals are trapped in places that are too small.Perhaps that is why there are many sleeping animals.I let the cat and alpaca out, but when I pet them, they spit in my face. Cats are touched so often by visitors that they just sleep regardless of whether or not they are touched.There were some hard-to-see animals, such as desert foxes, and the number of them was greater than expected.Disadvantage) It’s expensive. 15,000 won. There is virtually no difference in admission fees to large zoos such as Seoul Grand Park, as the card discount is large.You get a 20% discount when you purchase online, but they say you can enter the park 1 hour after purchasing.I've been to several animal cafes, but I don't want to come back again.
George B
04:26 24 Jan 22
Absolutely disgusting. Most the animals are cramped in tiny cages far to small for one let alone 3+.Most the dogs were showing signs of trauma and clearly hated the environment.The sooner Korea enters the 21st century and bans this kind of entertainment, the better.Do better Korea!! Animals in small cages shouldn't be your entertainment when having a coffee.Abhorrent, just hope the business goes under like so many do in Songdo.
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