
백만송이장미원은 경기도 부천시 원미구 부천로354번길 100에 위치한 도당근린공원에 있는 장미원입니다.

백만송이장미원은 1999년 5월 1일에 개원하여, 10,000여 종의 장미 100만 송이가 심어져 있습니다. 5월부터 10월까지 장미가 만개하는 시기에 많은 관광객들이 방문합니다.

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여행지 추가정보

경기도에 위치한 관광지

Bucheon One Million Rose Garden
Based on 1289 reviews
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18:08 30 May 23
Can't believe this is just in my town! This rose garden is so beautiful and has so many rose varieties! They looked unreal at first but yes, they are not fake flowers! Theres so many colors and sizes, we spent more than an hour walking, taking pictures, smelling and touching the roses.We visited on a Friday afternoon and there's a lot of people but still has plenty of space to walk around without bumping into anyone.There's a small parking lot on the side and it is not full that day. Kudos to Bucheon City government for this wonderful project!
Hyekyung Kim
Hyekyung Kim
18:53 16 May 23
I had huge expectations to see all different kinds of roses. But it's too early times. Roses are not fully blooming yet, and rose gardens are not that big and very close to residential areas. That's why the parking spot is absolutely not enough.Restrooms toilet are dirty.Other facilities are not ready at all, such as information office, drinking water place, etc...Consequently, it is not worthy to visit.
Nosi Krause
Nosi Krause
07:16 18 Jul 22
Beautiful walk and resting areas. There’s also a few cafes and restaurants in the area. Great place for a picnic too
Arun Kumar Rajendran
Arun Kumar Rajendran
10:18 29 May 22
Nice place with lots of roses and nice walkways. Good for morning or evening walks.
Gedisa Avella
Gedisa Avella
09:01 03 Jun 18
There were indeed a lot of roses, but it sure was crowded. Also, there was only 1 section of flowers and then walking trails through the trees but there were no flowers there. I would recommend not going on a weekend, toooo many people
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