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여행지 추가정보

경기도에 위치한 관광지

Garden of Morning Calm
Based on 16180 reviews
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Lex Teoh
Lex Teoh
03:16 09 Apr 24
Came here with a tour during Autumn.The Garden of Morning Calm is a harmonious blend of meticulously landscaped gardens, winding pathways, and vibrant flora.Despite being a popular tourist destination, there's a sense of serenity that permeates the air.Throughout the garden, visitors will encounter an array of artistic installations and sculptures that add an extra dimension to the experience. From traditional Korean pavilions to contemporary art pieces, each installation adds to the beauty and charm of the surroundings.Amenities such as rest areas, cafes, and souvenir shops are scattered throughout the garden.If you find yourself in South Korea, I highly recommend taking the time to explore this hidden gem – you won't be disappointed!
Rala Raluca
Rala Raluca
07:32 07 Apr 24
Beautifully arranged garden, 1-2 h visiting time. In April there were not many flowers to see. Good for a weekend stroll
Jeanne S
Jeanne S
08:25 04 Mar 24
Their winter illumination is beautiful. The best I’ve seen! 💜 Be prepared of the super cold weather though. Bring gloves!! There are also some food stalls outside that serve really good snacks.Would love to come back here during other seasons to see the beautiful garden.
nn nhna
nn nhna
01:45 03 Mar 24
What a gorgeous place to hangout and stroll around. Unfortunately its way too cold for me and out of my league. Haha, i do enjoyed it but its just too cold. Just need to soak into the winter weather and enjoy the scenery. What a beautiful place. A lot of people for sure but the spaces are huge to move around and have a look.Wanted to do snow angel but its way to thick the snow so we decided to forgo.Would love to see this garden during spring and am sure its just perfect too. ❤️
TH Koh
TH Koh
00:00 02 Jan 24
Absolutely stunning. Despite being an extremely touristy spot, the sheer size of the garden still allows one to experience an abiding sense of calm and serenity. The smell of the flora perfumes the air around you. If you are here on a tour package, you may find that you have insufficient time to fully appreciate this garden. Nevertheless, it's truly beautiful and pictures do not do it justice.
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