
영천보현산천문과학관은 경상북도 영천시 보현산 정상에 위치한 천문과학관입니다. 2002년에 개관하였으며, 국내 최대 규모의 망원경을 보유하고 다양한 천문과학 교육 프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다.

주요 시설
-1.8m 반사망원경: 국내 최대 구경의 망원경으로, 항성, 성단, 성운, 은하, 폭발성 천체 등의 관측에 사용됩니다.
-천체투영관: 다양한 천체에 대한 영상을 상영하는 곳입니다.
-전시관: 천문학 관련 전시를 관람할 수 있는 곳입니다.
-관측실: 직접 망원경을 통해 천체를 관측할 수 있는 곳입니다. (단, 날씨와 관측 일정에 따라 제한될 수 있음)

영천보현산천문과학관은 밤하늘의 신비를 경험하고 천문학에 대한 흥미를 가질 수 있는 좋은 곳입니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Bohyunsan Astronomical Science Museum
Based on 98 reviews
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01:52 02 Mar 24
It seems like it's too far to get to Cheongsong, so there's a side road in the middle?! I saw the dome from afar so I went to see it. It was crowded. Free admission on the 1st floor. Children's experience area on the 2nd floor. Admission is paid.A place where you can talk about stars, this is a really great place 🌟 ✴️The parking lot isn't that big, so park at your own risk.
12:59 01 Mar 24
Deep in the mountainsI can see the stars really wellOf all the observatories I've been to, I think I had the best view because there was no indirect light around.Reserve a nearby camping site or glamping site.I think it would be better if we go together.
Gael in Korea
22:47 12 May 22
I looked at the moon and stars through a telescope at night, and it was such an amazing and great experience! You can see the sun during the day and the moon and stars at night. Recommend to make a reservation in advance! When I went that day, only the last hour of the night was empty.
Mark Verana
05:56 22 Nov 20
Bohyunsan Astronomical Science MuseumAs Yeongcheon is a city of many things,It is the place where you can see the stars the best in Korea. Experience is amazing at the astronomical exhibition hall.Experience learning where you can see the celestial telescope as the sky opens is great.It would be nice to stay nearby and see Starlight Theme Village.
BohangHD Moto48
08:30 07 Nov 20
Beautiful! 🍁🏕🌠
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