
예천천문우주센터는 경상북도 예천군에 있는 천문과학관입니다. 2002년에 개관하였으며, 다양한 천문과학 전시와 체험 프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다.

예천천문우주센터의 주요 전시
-우주여행: 우주의 역사와 구조, 우주여행에 대한 전시
-천체관측: 망원경을 이용하여 태양, 달, 별 등의 천체를 관측
-천문우주체험: 가상현실(VR) 체험 등을 통해 천문과학을 체험

예천천문우주센터는 천문과학에 대해 배우고 체험할 수 있는 곳입니다. 가족과 함께 방문하기 좋은 곳입니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Yecheon Astronomy Foundation
Based on 44 reviews
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taehun kim
04:48 09 Oct 23
The price is expensive compared to the facility environment.There isn't much to see.There is a simple experience on the 3rd floor and an observatory on the 6th floor.4D experience center on the 4th floor (the chairs are uncomfortable and the compressor is too loud ㅜㅜ)My personal opinion is that the zero gravity experience on the first floor is below expectations and that it would be okay for around 4,000 won.
08:36 15 Jul 23
A place I went to for an astronomy camp activity. The facilities are good and the food is very good.
10:06 06 Dec 20
Although the experience is not very diverse, it was a place worth visiting at least once and I plan to stop by again at night. The meals and service at Star House Coffee Shop were very good and pretty.
Mark Verana
13:10 24 Nov 20
Yecheon Astronomy FoundationIt is called the Yecheon Astronomical Space Center.It's an astronomical and cosmic theme park.There are star observatory, space environment experience center, children's playground, and many more. There are various useful and exciting programs such as space type experience and lunar gravity experience, which are popular among teenagers and children.Chunghyo Theme Park is three minutes of driving.
22:29 31 Dec 18
The facilities are old and there is nothing to see other than the experience. The experience is paid for for free at other places and the time is too short.
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