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여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 3239 reviews
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Natalia Onishchenko
13:54 12 Mar 24
Unmunsa is an old and rather big temple, currently one of the biggest Buddhist academies in Korea. It is surrounded by mountains and forest. Very pleasant to walk around.
Sheldon Kim
13:02 25 Jul 23
I love this place, very quiet and beautiful.
Shatambria Rutledge
23:47 26 Apr 21
Beautiful temple and hike up to the hermitage. The hike is not too hard. Everything is paved and the views from the top are fantastic.
Julia Johnson
20:05 10 Apr 21
What a beautiful temple in a scenic area. The mountains were breathtakingly gorgeous. I was lucky enough to come in a clear day. There's parking in two different areas, so you can take a 20 minute walk to the temple or you can drive to the entrance. I recommend the walk if it's possible. There are some off limits areas, but it is well marked. Have a good time!!
Ej Caliwag
12:48 17 Nov 20
It's good to be at a temple because I feel relax. You let go of your anger and have peace in your heart. I have time to look back on myself, and I'm lost in thought. It is a temple with many treasures and attractions. I'm happy to have had a healing time.
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