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여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Tomb of King Munmu
Based on 1251 reviews
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Hyosoon Park
04:57 25 Nov 23
Fish restaurants are now being removed. Well known but we know nothing about it.
04:23 22 Apr 22
My perfect visit to Mun-mu dae wang reung tomb.I’d like to share my experience of visiting Mun-mu dae wang reung. It is located in Gyeongju. Its owner is Silla King Mun mu. After King Mun mu unified the three kingdoms , he said he would become a dragon and defeat the enemies when he had died. This place has a interesting myth.When I traveled this heritage while studying history, I can remember him longer than other kings. I recall there were a lot of seagulls, it seemed that they were guarding tomb of king and the harmony of azure sea and gorgeous heritage makes me feel miraculous.It you are studying history or want to feel the spirit of wise ancestors , I want to recommend a visit to Mun mu dae wang reung!
Richard Jo
23:56 26 Jan 22
great view and you can feel the power of great king. there are many Korean witches at the beach, who are having some ceremonies.
BUU (아기사슴)
17:26 31 May 21
nice view
Sun Kang
03:02 21 Mar 21
Beautiful BeachAwesome experience
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