세종대왕자 태실

성주 세종대왕자 태실은 경상북도 성주군 월항면 선석산 아래 태봉 정상에 조성된 태실입니다. 조선 세종대왕의 18명의 왕자와 원손 단종의 태를 봉안한 곳입니다. 1438년부터 1442년 사이에 조성되었으며, 1975년 12월 30일 경상북도 유형문화재 제88호로 지정되었고, 2003년 3월 6일 사적 제444호로 승격되었습니다.

성주 세종대왕자 태실은 세종대왕이 왕자들의 태를 봉안하기 위해 조성한 곳입니다. 조선시대에는 왕자의 태를 봉안하는 것이 중요한 행사였으며, 태실은 왕실의 중요한 장소로 여겨졌습니다.

주요 관광 명소
-태실: 왕자들의 태를 봉안한 곳입니다.
-석종: 태실 앞에 세워진 돌로 만든 종입니다.
-비각: 태실을 보호하기 위해 세운 건물입니다.
-선석산: 태실이 위치한 산입니다.

성주 세종대왕자 태실은 조선시대 왕실 문화를 체험하고 아름다운 자연 경관을 즐길 수 있는 곳입니다. 성주를 방문하면 꼭 가봐야 할 곳입니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

성주 세종대왕자 태실
Based on 124 reviews
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00:00 16 Oct 23
This is almost the first place recommended to visit in Seongju. It feels a bit remote, but the Taesil Cultural Center and Life Culture Park are well-established, and since the Taesil is located, you can get the feeling that it is truly a famous mountain selected as a good location.Among the 19 fetal chambers, 5 were damaged. It is interesting to study why these chambers were damaged.Placenta: A place where the womb of the royal family is enshrined when a child is born.They considered the womb to be something that gave life to the fetus and treated it with care rather than discarding it carelessly.In particular, in the case of royal families, it was believed that they were directly related to national fortune, and their wombs were placed in jars and placed in famous places across the country.There are three places of birthplace in Seongju. (Sejongdae's placenta chamber in Inchon-ri, Wolhang-myeon, King Danjong's placenta in Beoprimsan Mountain, Gacheon-myeon, at the northern foot of Gayasan Mountain, and King Taejong's placenta chamber in Bongsan, Yongam-myeon)There are 19 placenta chambers in Prince Sejong's placenta chamber.
Cheol Yong Kim
06:37 18 Apr 23
This is where the wombs of King Sejong’s sons were kept.I was curious because there was a slightly empty seat, but when King Sejo (Grand Prince Suyang) ascended the throne, he destroyed the birthplace chambers of the five princes who opposed him, and the place is empty.You can climb it in a few minutes and it is not steep, so you can visit comfortably. There is also a guide in the parking lot, so if you need detailed explanations, you can ask for guidance.If you look around, you can easily see why this place is a great place, so if you come to Seongju, I recommend you to visit this place.(As of May 22, construction around the placenta chamber is in progress, so please keep this in mind when visiting)
Gerard Patena
20:08 01 Jan 22
Quiet serene historical place.
Junny Ko
02:36 19 Oct 21
Humanity historic district. U can feel mom's hearts
Sobir Shukurov
06:03 06 Mar 19
Nice place to visit!
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