상주 임란북천전적지

상주 임란북천전적지는 임진왜란 당시 조선 관군과 왜군이 격전을 벌였던 전쟁터입니다. 경상북도 상주시 북서쪽에 위치한 임천면 북천리에 있으며, 1592년 4월 23일 이일 장군이 이끄는 조선 관군이 고니시 유키나가가 이끄는 왜군과 맞서 싸우다 전멸한 곳입니다.

상주 임란북천전적지는 임진왜란 당시 조선의 의로운 희생을 기리는 역사적 가치가 높은 곳입니다. 이 전투는 왜군의 진군을 지연시키는 데 중요한 역할을 했으며, 조선의 국운을 좌우할 수 있는 중요한 전투였습니다.

전적지 현황
-충렬사: 전투에서 전사한 조선 관군들의 충혼을 기리기 위해 세운 사당입니다.
-비석: 전투의 내용을 기록한 비석입니다.
-무덤: 전투에서 전사한 조선 관군들의 무덤입니다.
-전투 흔적: 당시 전투가 벌어졌던 흔적들을 볼 수 있습니다.

상주 임란북천전적지는 임진왜란 당시 조선의 의로운 희생을 기리는 역사적 가치가 높은 곳입니다. 전적지를 방문하여 당시 전투의 흔적을 살펴보고, 조선 관군들의 숭고한 정신을 느껴보세요.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 22 reviews
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14:13 18 Jun 23
Walk along Bukcheon and climb the path to honor the spirit of the patriotic patriot.
Achmad Mubarok
07:35 01 Feb 21
Sorry. I want to sell my photo in imran bukchon temple. Where i can permit to the owner?
00:20 27 Nov 19
Sangju Imran Bukcheon Battle Monument is a historical relic located in Mansan-dong, where the Bukcheon River flows. It is a place where the government army lost its first battle with the Japanese army during the Japanese invasions of Korea, so it is a historical battlefield site and is managed at Sangju Terminal.Since it is only 1-2 km away, it is also a sacred place for national defense where you can stop by right after the bicycle race.If you have a way to come and go, I hope you can trace history, heal yourself in the natural scenery, and take a break.
12:29 10 Mar 19
While passing by on the national road passing through Sangju,My wife said it would be nice and asked me to go.I stopped by by chance..!!This is where the Japanese army fought during the Joseon Dynasty.Although he was greatly defeated in battle,He died fighting for his country.To commemorate peopleThis is where it was made...A major battle wonBattles such as the well-regarded Battle of MyeongnyangAlthough historically significant,Places like this are also historicallyI think it's important...It was a very large historical museum, butThe only visitors were my family.I returned from my visit with a solemn heart.
10:50 13 Dec 18
The place where the first volunteer soldiers in Korea rose up during the Japanese invasions of Korea and fought for their country with only bows and spears, while the enemy soldiers shot them with rifles, and were annihilated ~ Dear patriots! We have brought you here to honor your soul, so rest in peace.
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