포항크루즈 (포항운하)

포항운하는 경상북도 포항시 남구 구룡포읍에 위치한 운하입니다. 2012년에 개장하였으며, 총 길이 1.3km로 운하 자체는 그리 길지 않지만 바닷길과 연결하면 8~10km의 물길 여행이 가능합니다.

포항운하의 주요 특징:
도심 속 운하: 도심 속에 위치한 운하로, 다양한 문화 시설과 관광 명소가 밀집되어 있습니다.
유람선: 운하를 따라 운행하는 유람선을 타고 아름다운 풍경을 감상할 수 있습니다.
다양한 축제: 연중 다양한 축제와 행사가 열리는 문화 공간입니다.

포항크루즈는 포항운하를 운행하는 유람선 회사입니다. 2014년부터 운영되고 있으며, 다양한 코스와 테마의 유람선 여행을 제공하고 있습니다.

포항크루즈의 주요 특징:
다양한 코스: 포항운하, 영일대해수욕장, 흥해읍성 등 다양한 코스를 운행합니다.
테마 크루즈: 맥주 크루즈, 와인 크루즈, 디너 크루즈 등 다양한 테마의 크루즈를 운행합니다.
합리적인 가격: 다른 유람선에 비해 합리적인 가격으로 이용할 수 있습니다.

포항운하는 도심 속에서 여유로운 시간을 보내고 싶은 사람들에게 추천하는 곳입니다. 유람선을 타고 운하를 따라 펼쳐지는 아름다운 풍경을 감상하거나, 다양한 문화 시설과 관광 명소를 방문해 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 488 reviews
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06:37 16 Feb 24
A great place for a walk. The night view is also great.
Becky Lee
16:35 23 Jan 23
Taking this first cruise, because we are foreigners, the boatman was willing to let me spend twice as much time on the cruise to feed the seagulls. When boarding the boat, you have to go to the 2nd floor to buy some shrimp to feed the seagulls, and then you can feed the seagulls on the boat.We were a group of 32 people who all booked a boat. When the seagulls saw us, they quickly flew down to eat the shrimps. The group members held the shrimps in their hands. The seagulls swarmed in in groups to eat the shrimps. , the scene is very spectacular, they seem to have trained skills and will not peck the hands of our feeders.Both adults and children were so happy that they couldn’t stop feeding and taking pictures. It was quite a special journey. Worth a visit.Taken on January 23, 2024 (Monday, the second day of the lunar month)
03:01 25 Dec 22
Construction began in 2012 and was completed in 2014.Always between Songdo-dong and Jukdong 1-dong.It is a 1.3km canal that connects the Gyo and Hyeongsan Rivers to the north and south, and you can cruise along the net.Take the line and build romance and beautiful memoriesI think it would be a good idea to visit at least once, especially the night view.It creates an enchanting, fantastical landscape.The waterway of the canal did not exist before.In the late 1960s, Pohang Steel was builtAs industrialization accelerates, the industryAs it was transformed into a city and went through a period of transformation, the waterways were naturally reclaimed and created into residential and commercial areas.However, fortunately, the importance of the ecological environmentRealize this and restore the old waterway to the citizens'A resting place, a resting place, and a citizen park,It was also created as a tourist attraction.While creating a park around the canal, a small ballPohang, a forest and a bench where you can rest for a whileA place where there are sculptures that harmonize with the waterway.It's on display in a place like an outdoor gallery.It made me feel like I was in Lee.all. Also benchmarking Venice, ItalyBusan's Jangnim Port, which feels like aLike ‘Necia’, Pohang Canal is also like Venice.I feel so exotic that I don’t feel envious.You will be able to fit it in. Restoring the old waterwayIn the process, there were many disputes and disputes with citizens.Above, there were differences of opinion, etc., but it was wise.It can be completed successfully through compromise.and was recognized for its role.and merchants' names as the starting point of the canal.Eternal gratitude engraved on the wall of ‘Pohang Canal Hall’He said he was trying to convey the message, a large-scale canal pipeYou can use the conductor (free) and 10 a.m.Cruise ship from a.m. to 5:30 p.m.You can enjoy the canal by riding andIt is also good to take a walk along the trail.Personally, I would like to recommend the latter. luckAround Haju, there are things to see and taste, including Jukdo Market.Because there is so much love, the experience is also beautiful.I won't engrave it on the pages of memoriesI want to do it.
Harvey Martinez
18:22 10 Oct 21
Beautiful park, i hae the feeling of being in a Riverwalk. Like in the US.
Hongjune Park
10:14 13 Aug 20
nice sculptures alongside pohang canal
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