
경산 팔공산국립공원은 2023년 12월 31일 국립공원으로 지정된 곳으로, 경상북도 경산시를 비롯하여 칠곡군, 영천시와 대구광역시 군위군, 동구에 걸쳐 있습니다. 팔공산은 삼국 시대부터 공산(公山), 부악(父岳), 중악(中岳) 등으로 불려온 영남지방의 명산입니다.

주요 특징
-높은 산: 팔공산은 해발 1,193m의 높이를 자랑하며, 대구광역시와 경상북도의 경계를 이루는 산입니다.
-다양한 등산 코스: 초급부터 난이도가 높은 코스까지 다양한 등산 코스가 있어 자신의 체력에 맞는 코스를 선택할 수 있습니다.
-아름다운 자연: 팔공산에는 울창한 숲과 맑은 계곡, 기암괴석 등 아름다운 자연 경관을 감상할 수 있습니다.
-문화유적: 팔공산에는 동화사, 은해사 등 다양한 문화유적이 있습니다.

주요 관광지
-갓바위: 팔공산의 대표적인 기암괴석으로, 넓은 바위가 갓을 엎어놓은 것처럼 보이는 모습에서 유래했습니다.
-동화사: 팔공산 정상 부근에 위치한 사찰로, 신라 신문왕 4년(683년)에 의상대사가 창건했다고 전해집니다.
-은해사: 팔공산 중턱에 위치한 사찰로, 신라 경순왕 9년(935년)에 혜인 국사가 창건했다고 전해집니다.
-팔공산둘레길: 팔공산을 한 바퀴 도는 총 연장 100km의 둘레길입니다.
-팔공산자연휴양림: 팔공산 자락에 조성된 휴양림으로, 캠핑, 산림욕 등을 즐길 수 있습니다.

-방문 시간: 봄과 가을이 가장 아름다운 계절입니다.
-복장: 편안한 신발과 계절에 맞는 옷을 착용하는 것이 좋습니다.
-등산: 자신의 체력에 맞는 코스를 선택하고, 안전에 유의하여 등산을 즐기세요.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

대구 팔공산 갓바위
Based on 4501 reviews
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YongUn Jeong
YongUn Jeong
07:52 03 Dec 24
08:27 29 Nov 24
The scenery is nice
09:29 23 Nov 24
14:56 18 Nov 24
I went to the Gwaneum Rest Area in the back, but if possible, I recommend buying a candle at the rest area and then taking the bus upstairs.
2 goNjoy
2 goNjoy
13:58 18 Nov 24
Palgongsan Gatbawi RockThe exact name is ‘Gwanbong Stone Seated Buddha of Palgongsan Mountain, Gyeongsan’The name Gatbawi originated from the meaning of a Buddha statue wearing a hat.It is believed to have been built during the reign of Queen Seondeok of the Silla Dynasty.In particular, the cover on top of the Buddha statue is similar to a graduation cap and is said to be beneficial for test takers, making it a popular destination for many parents preparing for college entrance exams or exams.We started hiking at night along the back road of Gatbawi Rock and climbed to Gatbawi Rock in 30 minutes.The view from Gatbawi Rock is so beautiful.Godbawi Rock of Palgongsan MountainThe exact name is 'Gyeongsan Palgongsan Gwanbongseokjo Yeorae Seated'The name of Gatbawi Rock was created to mean Buddha statue wearing a GatEstimated to have been built during the reign of Queen Seondeok of SillaIn particular, many parents are looking for the CSAT or exam as it is said that the flog of the Buddha statue is similar to that of the academic cap and is effective for the examineeWe started hiking at night on the back of Gatbawi Rock and climbed Gatbawi Rock in 30 minutesThe view from Gatbawi is so beautiful
Billy Yu
Billy Yu
01:09 27 Jan 24
15:11 22 Jan 24
06:38 14 Jan 24
06:35 14 Jan 24
16:48 13 Jan 24
William Leitzman
William Leitzman
21:51 04 Nov 23
A must see religious and cultural location in Daegu where physics, Korean Buddhism, and excellent views of Palgongsan meet.
Kekeletso Kgosing
Kekeletso Kgosing
08:50 21 Feb 21
The hike up (Palgong) mountain was long & exhausting; a fun & necessary workout, nonetheless.There were resting spots where one could catch their breath & take pictures.The view from the top was stunning & so was the Gatbawi statue.
April Josephine
April Josephine
04:55 20 Nov 20
It was pretty manageable to make it to the peak because of the well-structured staircases. I went there on the weekdays so there was no big crowds which was great in this time of crisis. The Buddha sculpture was beautiful and bigger than I thought, so I could not resist taking a photo of it.
Bipin Bihari
Bipin Bihari
15:12 29 Sep 20
I had reached Gatbawi after halfday excursion from Deagu. Gatbawi Rock, I believe this place is one of the most memorable places of me in Korea so far. Located on top of the Gatbawi Mounting , I reached the top after climbing about 1500 stairs. You are ready to climb seriously here. Its depend on human for his/her body fitness . The path starts in one direction from the bus stop or car park. Take a short path up there some stone steps off the right - if you want it then take it. Both the main path and the narrower path the steps lead to go past two temples before the path really diverges; one small temple and one much bigger one a little higher up. The second route is on the right (the temple is up and the top is a doorway). I think it's a little tall, but the last height is the same. There is an area for prayer on top and a small shop in which trinket and water, and a toilet. But I met the Buddha statue and many people praying. There is a good sense of achievement at the top and it is a very spiritual place for all people who pray. I am not Buddhist but this place is really fascinating. So peaceful place, it was actually an important part of my visit to Korea. I will strongly advise everyone to visit this place.
Christian Herzig
Christian Herzig
12:07 18 Feb 18
Many steep steps to the stone Buddha at the top. Then a nice view on the hills and plains of Daegu if you are not absorbed in prayers
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