
나리분지는 울릉도 북쪽에 위치한 분지입니다. 울릉도에서 유일하게 넓은 평야 지대를 이루고 있으며, 주변에는 성인봉, 도봉, 봉래폭포 등이 있습니다. 나리분지는 울창한 숲과 맑은 공기가 매력적인 곳입니다.

나리분지는 약 1만 년 전에 화산 폭발로 형성된 칼데라입니다. 나리분지의 주변에는 화산 활동으로 형성된 다양한 기암괴석이 있습니다. 나리분지의 대표적인 기암괴석으로는 촛대바위, 거북바위, 용출수 등이 있습니다.

나리분지는 다양한 동식물의 서식지입니다. 나리분지에는 울릉도의 고유종인 울릉도국화, 울릉도앵무새 등이 서식하고 있습니다.

나리분지는 울릉도의 대표적인 관광 명소 중 하나입니다. 나리분지에서는 다양한 트레킹 코스를 즐길 수 있으며, 숲속 산책, 캠핑, 사진 촬영 등을 즐길 수 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Nari Basin
Based on 358 reviews
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윤태열 경주선비
04:00 17 Sep 23
Nari Basin on Ulleungdo Island is a basin formed after a volcanic eruption. There is a full view from the entrance observation deck.Natural Environment The Nari Basin was formed when highly viscous trachyte, andesite, and tuff erupted due to volcanic activity at the end of the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic Era, and the caldera crater collapsed. It is a crater. Ulleungdo is the only island with a large plain area. The size of the Nari Basin is 1.5 km wide from east to west, 2 km long from north to south, and has an area of ​​1.5 to 2.0 km2.Surrounding the Nari Basin, the outer ring mountain (外輪山), which is about 500m above sea level, surrounds it like a folding screen, and the highest point among them is Seonginbong Peak (984m) located in the south. In the basin, there is Albong [卵峰, 611m], a cone-shaped central crater.On the southern foot of Albong, small craters with a diameter of 100 to 200 m and a depth of about 10 m are scattered, and the lava (trachyte) that flowed through these craters is piled up to a thickness of about 100 m, dividing the crater into 'Nari Village' to the northeast and 'Albong' to the southwest. Separated into ‘villages’. The floor of the Nari Basin crater is covered with white or light gray pumice, volcanic ash, volcanic sand, and volcanic rocks.Since the water flowing into the Nari Basin has no outlet (baranco) to pass through the crater wall, it temporarily forms a lake during heavy rains, but it drains immediately. The water that seeps underground comes out 250m from the northern slope and becomes the source of the Chusan Power Plant.The soil in the Nari Basin, which is made up of volcanic eruptions, has weak water holding capacity, making field farming and rice paddy farming impossible. In the basin, deodeok (deodeok), wild vegetables (chwi, gobi, wild greens), and some corn and potatoes are grown. In particular, temperature inversions occur frequently within the Nari Basin, causing damage to crops.In the past, houses in the Nari Basin were equipped with unique facilities such as raincoats and chukdam to prepare for the climatic characteristics of heavy snowfall in the winter. Udaegi is made by erecting several pillars along the eaves and covering them with freshly woven thatch in preparation for when a lot of snow accumulates.Chukdam refers to the space between Udegi and the room. However, today, due to housing improvements, there are almost no traces of Udegi or Chukdam.
CJ Houston
11:51 15 Oct 20
Extremely beautiful and serene. The food is brilliant too no matter where you go.
NayChay Lee
06:00 01 Oct 20
Very good
Jae Hyung Park
03:56 14 Aug 20
Nice place to relax
Kim Otto
21:55 17 Dec 16
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