문경새재 오픈세트장

문경새재 오픈세트장은 경상북도 문경시에 위치한 사극 촬영장입니다. 2000년 KBS 드라마 ‘태조 왕건’ 촬영을 위해 조성된 곳으로, 조선시대 마을 풍경을 재현한 세트장이 가장 유명합니다.

문경새재 오픈세트장의 주요 특징:
-규모: 약 7만평의 넓은 부지에 조선시대 마을, 관아, 궁궐 등 다양한 세트장이 조성되어 있습니다.
-다양한 세트장: 조선시대 마을 풍경을 재현한 ‘양반촌’, 관아를 재현한 ‘영흥고’, 궁궐을 재현한 ‘사정전’ 등 다양한 세트장이 있습니다.
-촬영지: 다양한 드라마, 영화 촬영지로 활용되고 있습니다. 대표적인 작품으로는 드라마 ‘태조 왕건’, ‘대장금’, ‘해를 품은 달’, ‘육룡이 나르샤’, 영화 ‘명량’, ‘변호인’ 등이 있습니다.
-체험 프로그램: 다양한 체험 프로그램이 운영되고 있습니다. 조선시대 의상을 입고 사진 촬영을 할 수 있는 ‘용상체험’, 활쏘기 체험, 전통놀이 체험 등이 있습니다.
-관광: 사극 팬들은 물론 가족, 친구들과 함께 방문하기 좋은 관광지입니다.

문경새재 오픈세트장은 조선시대의 모습을 생생하게 체험할 수 있는 곳입니다. 드라마 촬영 장소를 구경하고 다양한 체험 프로그램을 즐겨보세요.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Mungyeongsaejae Open Set
Based on 4016 reviews
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M Alkaabi
13:29 18 Sep 22
Old village design recommended to visit nice place and old buildings design
10:55 13 Feb 22
Most of Korean historical dramas were filmed here. It is marvelous if you like to look over the Korean old villages.It costs 2k Korean Won(Around USD1.5). It is surrounded by the nature that has lots of historical meanings. And you will love strolling around here with good air...
12:30 30 Apr 21
Highly recommended👍I want to visit again this coming autumn💕
Angel Rivera
10:45 30 Jan 21
A pleasant surprise in a beautifully maintained park. The movie set really gives you a glimpse into Korean history and allows for a lot of exploring. You will recognize some of the structures from shows and Korean movies, of which one is on Netflix. Kinda made me giddy with excitement to walk down the streets and around the different dwellings even if they were more recently built.
08:23 19 Dec 20
Mungyeong Saejae open set location. One of the filming locations of the Netflix series Kingdom.In order to stop the spread of the plague, the Queen Regent ordered the gates at Mungyeongsaejae Pass to be shut. Standing in front of Juheulgwan Gate, visitors will clearly remember the gut-wrenching scene where the people in the south realized the Five Armies were not coming to help them, but to stand against them. Mungyeongsaejae Open Set Studio, the location of many of the city scenes, is located about a 10 minute walk beyond this gate. The scene of the high officials passing through Gwanghwamun Gate in order to meet with the King was filmed here. While it may have seemed like the real gate, the replica is actually scaled down about 80% in size.The Open Set Studio was designed for filming historical dramas and has featured in plenty, including “The Crowned Clown (2019),” “Taejo Wang Geon (2000),” and “The Slave Hunters (2010).” The set also offers hanbok experience programs. For a small fee, you too can dress as the king or queen and sit on the royal throne!
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