
직지문화공원은 경상북도 김천시에 위치한 공원으로, 김천의 대표적인 관광 명소 중 하나입니다. 2004년에 개장하였으며, 총 면적 21,400평에 달하는 규모를 자랑합니다.

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여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Jikji Culture Park
Based on 1681 reviews
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wally kemppainen
01:53 10 Nov 23
An accessible temple area filled with restaurants, cafes and shops around the grounds. It's an easy stroll that can handle big crowds making it a nice place to visit for solo travelers or groups. It can be done in a morning or afternoon so you can explore the rest of Gimcheon.
Anna Corne
01:43 24 May 23
Jikji is a one-of-a-kind place. There are plenty of winding paths to walk, with immaculate views of the surrounding mountains and a riverway. There are bridges, archways, sculptures, gazebos, and even a kids' playground at the top of the hill. Plenty of sights in the park, and nearby (hiking trails, cactus house, Peace Pagoda, Jikjisa Temple), for a day outside!
Dennis Lokrantz
16:25 27 Apr 23
Nice park for our morning walks. Very peaceful during the week.
13:12 02 Jul 22
Beautiful and seren environment. Suitable for picnics and relaxation
steve budi
01:49 12 Sep 17
Very serene and amazing place. Were there on the event day.
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