
화랑설화마을은 경상북도 영천시 금호강변에 위치한 테마파크입니다. 신라시대 화랑의 역사와 설화를 테마로 조성되어 있으며, 다양한 체험 프로그램과 공연을 통해 신라 문화를 체험할 수 있는 곳입니다.

주요 시설
-화랑문화관: 화랑의 역사와 문화를 전시하는 곳입니다.
-설화재현마을: 신라시대 마을을 재현한 곳입니다.
-체험관: 화랑복 체험, 활쏘기 체험, 전통공예 체험 등 다양한 체험 프로그램을 운영하는 곳입니다.
-공연장: 화랑과 관련된 공연을 관람할 수 있는 곳입니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 338 reviews
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08:55 26 Oct 23
The place was quieter on weekdays so it was better.There was a lot to see inside and the restrooms were clean and well maintained. A well-decorated walking path.
18:11 12 Oct 23
I visited on the weekend with my wife and child! Haha, on the way, I saw that a lot of rice was ripe. I felt the seasons changing. When I went inside, it was spacious and nice. However, there was a space for children to play in the building, perhaps an exhibition hall, but my little one couldn't go in because he was over 4 years old...ㅠㅠㅎ I finally persuaded him to come out, and since he really likes elevators, there was a restaurant and cafe building on the other side. There's an elevator, so I took it a few times and went to the children's playground to play. The playground wasn't very big, but there were a lot of kids playing, and there was a lawn right next to it, so we kicked a ball there and sat on a bench and ate snacks. It was nice that there were good restrooms at the entrance and inside Seolhwa Village. It rained at the last minute haha. I was able to persuade the child who didn't want to go home once again. I don't know the exact number of parking spaces, but I remember it was quite spacious.
Doug Huffer
07:53 28 Jul 23
I'm really not sure what this place is for. There seems to be some connection to Kim Yu Shin. But there doesn't seem to be anything to do. But it's a nice place to just look around and do nothing.
KwangYoung Kim
01:38 09 May 22
With official document, 2kids can get discount 50% for all activities.
Victor Kim
06:49 23 Dec 21
Beautiful place. You can go for a walk, enjoy the pond, shoot some traditional Korean bows, or visit the greenhouse with Korean wild flowers.The bow experience is only 2000won and they teach you how to shoot and explain very kindly.We visited because my father built the greenhouse that houses all the wildflowers. The wildflowers are beautiful and were all donated by one women. She’s been collecting flowers and rocks for decades when it was legal. She planted the wildflowers in black Jeju volcanic rocks and in white Suraksan rocks. Very beautiful
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