
하옥계곡은 경상북도 포항시 북구 흥해읍에 위치한 계곡입니다. 맑고 깨끗한 물과 아름다운 자연 경관으로 유명하며, 여름철 피서지로 인기가 많습니다.

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하옥계곡은 가족 단위로 즐기기 좋은 곳입니다. 물놀이, 캠핑, 산책 등 다양한 레포츠 활동을 즐길 수 있습니다.
여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 226 reviews
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07:14 10 Aug 23
After the rainy season ended in July 23Last valley vacation on August 9thFortunately, there is clear water in the valley.
Sun L
Sun L
08:07 07 Aug 23
There are pools here and there, so the water is deep for a valley and there are a lot of fish. However, if you are not skilled at driving, it is recommended that you play at the entrance to the valley rather than going all the way up. Even though it is a single road, it is very complicated with parked cars, cars going up, and cars going down. If you don't have driving sense, it's a nuisance. The photos and videos seem to be particularly pretty, and I had a good time, but it's not enough to wow me in person.
15:59 21 Jul 21
It is a valley hidden in the highlands, and if safety is your top priority, this is the best water play place in the country. Let's cherish nature, enjoy nature, and respect nature.
07:29 05 Jul 21
If you go here, you can see fantastic valley
Hongjune Park
Hongjune Park
08:19 02 May 21
Palgaksan Mountain near the point where Haok Valley and Okgye Valley meet is about 630 meters above sea level, but the view is good from Peak 8 of Kalbawi Ridge.
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