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체험 프로그램
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여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Andong Hahoe Folk Village
Based on 6671 reviews
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Jason L
00:56 21 Mar 24
We stay a night in a traditional houseYou can drive your car in after 6pm to the accommodationNext morning we walk around and watch the 2pm mask dance before leaving the villageBest!
Pamela M
06:52 20 Feb 24
I was fortunate to be at Hahoe folk village during winter. It is beautiful, educational, and bigger than I thought. I hope to go back one day!
03:20 16 Jan 24
Beautiful and definitely worth going!If you’re able to, go during the weekend, from 2 to 3pm there is a traditional mask performance which is amazing.The performance is obviously in korean, but there is some things translated it on a screen.The performers interact with the public and it is fun.I recommend spending the whole day there (From around 1pm to 6pm, the sun hours in winter)There’s a free admission mask museum which i’d recommend doing as the last thing.The entrance to the village is 3,000₩ for adults
Nurgul Altinkaya
02:07 06 Nov 23
Easy to reach from the center by one bus, well preserved UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE LISTED sight just 1 hour distance from Andong. Houses look like anytime a resident will greet you when you're in the yard. Long trails for enjoying nature. I absolutely love Korean architecture!
Marco Giustiniani
03:37 16 Sep 23
Authentic and living village surrounded by a river. Wonderful atmosphere. Not possible to enter into the buildings but the landscape and getting lost in the streets is amazing.
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