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여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Cheomseongdae Pink Muhly
Based on 292 reviews
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Muhammad Pandu
09:39 11 Nov 23
Not as pink as the pictures suggest, but still a picturesque place. If you're visiting, please don't step on the muhly. Some people are shamelessly ruining the fields just to take pictures.
Alex Phan
00:30 10 Nov 23
Beautiful pink muhly field in the heart of Gyeongju.
Nhat Q
10:07 23 Oct 23
Come before 10 to get more space to take pictures, because it gets crowded after noon even on a weekday
Harmonize Koihana
12:24 17 Oct 23
A field of pink grass. Good to take photo. Near airport
Megan Cho
05:28 04 Aug 19
Such a serene place to visit. The fields of flowers are beautiful and plenty of benches scattered about to sit and take in the scenery. Also they have traditional Korean music playing.
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