
경덕왕릉 의성 조문국 사적지는 경상북도 의성군 금성면에 위치한 삼국시대 조문국의 왕들의 무덤이 있는 곳입니다. 조문국은 삼국시대 가야 12부족 중 하나였으며, 현재의 경상북도 의성군, 김천시 일대에 위치했습니다.

조문국은 기원전 2세기경에 건국되었고, 5세기경에 신라에 병합되었습니다. 조문국은 금속기술과 공예기술이 발달했던 것으로 알려져 있으며, 특히 금동관음보살입상과 같은 우수한 금속문화재를 남겼습니다.

경덕왕릉 의성 조문국 사적지는 조문국의 역사와 문화를 알 수 있는 곳입니다. 사적지에는 경덕왕릉 외에도 다양한 고분들이 있으며, 조문국박물관에서는 조문국에서 출토된 유물들을 전시하고 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Royal Tomb of King Gyeongdeok
Based on 220 reviews
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09:15 25 May 19
It's wide and open, so it's good for an outing, but when it's hot, parasols are a must. Peonies are blooming at the end of May.
08:50 20 May 19
Uiseong Jomun National Historic Site may be an unfamiliar name to us. However, it is said to be a tribal nation that appears in various historical books such as Samguk Sagi and Goryeo History. I'll have to check out the museum next time I visit Jomun-guk, an ancient country that is legendary.
02:14 08 May 19
There is a group of tombs at the Jomunguk Historic Site in Geumseong-gun, Uiseong. The surrounding environment is well maintained, and you can see a group of tombs that resemble royal tombs even without going to Gyeongju.
11:37 17 Feb 19
It felt a little poorer than the Gyeongju royal tombs, but since this place had its own history, I took a calm look around it with my children!
08:28 16 Dec 18
I visited in late fall, so I couldn't see any flowers, but it is a beautiful place with a well-maintained tomb and walking path.It seems like there is a flower feast for every season.On the day I visited, there were many people working, perhaps planting flowers.There is also the Jomun-guk Museum and swimming pool nearby.I think it would be good to go with children.
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