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골굴사의 주요 관광 명소로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있습니다.
-석굴암: 국보 제10호로 지정된 신라시대의 불교 유적입니다.
-금당: 골굴사의 중심 법당입니다.
-응진전: 아미타불을 모신 법당입니다.
-칠불암: 7개의 불상이 모셔진 암자입니다.
-백련암: 연못에 떠 있는 암자입니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Golgulsa Temple
Based on 935 reviews
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Nicolás Roth
11:36 15 Dec 23
Beautiful experience. Recommend the TempleStay 3 days/2 nights. Beautiful scenery, great food, amazing staff. You will not regret it!
Ash Parikh
00:33 14 Oct 23
Nice quiet location, but Buddha is under scaffolding for conservation. Seonmudo demonstration at 3pm was informative
Emily T
00:36 21 Jul 23
Nice place to visit. The stone Buddha from the 11th century is extremely impressive. It is very hilly so be ready for a workout!We did a one night temple stay as well. The temple stay was interesting. When we were there there were 2 large school groups ages 14-21. It seemed quite common among young school groups and as adults it didn’t seem to be the right match. Might be worth checking in advance who the other participants are. It was raining heavily when we got there and there was no common area so we just stood in the reception area. The sunmudo training was very intense and be prepared for a full workout (wear a moisture wicking tshirt!). The 108 prostrations was also a workout. The uniform they provided was thick canvas which was extra sweaty for the heat and humidity. The rooms are good and basic. Air conditioning worked well and there was hot water. Mattresses are quite thin so be prepared to sleep on an only slightly padded hard surface. The Buddhist programming was pretty good and the monks are very nice. This is a good way to learn about Buddhism. The tea time was excellent and strongly recommend attending this portion. Food is vegan and delicious.
Pedro Barros
13:47 31 May 23
We had an amazing time at Golgulsa Temple.To live with and learn from the monks in the temple was an unique experience that I will never forget.I just wished I had planned more time to be able to do a more intensive practice in Sunmudo because I feel like a lot of what you learn in one day goes away from your mind way too quickly. 😕
08:34 05 Sep 22
This is a peaceful temple cradled at the edge of the mountains. There is a bus that runs close to here from the city too. I would highly recommend staying here for the temple stay program as they even teach martial arts here that is based on yoga. The rock carving that this is famous for is really interesting to explore.
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