가야산 야생화식물원

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여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Gayasan Wildflower Botanical Garden
Based on 375 reviews
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08:38 01 Oct 23
The air is good, it's good to go with children, and the surrounding deck path is well-maintained.
09:54 07 Nov 21
If you want to feel fall, I recommend this place^^ The road leading is very pretty and there is a trail so it would be nice to walk. You can see a lot of wild flowers in pictures. You can also see various insects, so it is good to go with children.
05:11 25 Aug 19
zaerac Lee
01:40 12 Oct 18
There are two exhibition halls at Baekun-dong Deulmeori, the entrance to the Seongju side of Mt. Gayasan. The Gayasan History and Myth Theme Museum is located right in front of the parking lot, and the Gayasan Wild Flower and Botanical Garden is located a short walk up toward Baekun-dong Deulmeori. Both are paid admission, and if you buy a 2,000 won bill at one place, you can enter both.Thanks to the climate with four distinct seasons, there are many wild flowers in Korea. It is said that compared to the land area, it is larger than China or Japan. There are more than 4,000 species of wild flowers that grow naturally throughout Korea's mountains and fields. Among them, Gayasan is at a high altitude, so there are many different types of wild flowers that grow naturally. It is said that as many as 649 species of wild flowers can be seen, so it is likely that there will be an exhibition hall specializing in wild flowers at the foot of the mountain.You can tour the two-story exhibition hall, tour the hot but interesting greenhouse, and finally, drink a cup of fragrant flower tea at the free flower tea tasting room. You can purchase it, but the price is a bit high. However, it is content worthy of being presented in Korea's traditional tea market, which is dominated by green tea. The various colors, various scents, and various effects are worthy of being compared to the green tea series.Viewing hours: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm (ticket sales until 5:00 pm)Closed: Every Monday, January 1st, Chuseok, Lunar New Year’s DayParking fee: FreeAdmission fee: 2,000 won for adults (if you purchase an admission ticket, you can also visit the Gayasan History and Myth Theme Museum for free, and a 10% discount on all drinks at the cafe on the 3rd floor there.
All About Anything세상의 모든것 (AAA)
19:46 01 May 17
just small plant display
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