
도산서원은 경상북도 안동시 도산면에 위치한 서원입니다. 조선시대 성리학자 퇴계 이황 선생을 추모하기 위해 1574년에 창건되었습니다.
도산서원은 한국 서원의 대표적인 예입니다. 퇴계 이황 선생의 학문과 덕행을 기리고 후학 양성을 위해 세워졌습니다.
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도산서원은 다양한 문화재를 보유하고 있습니다. 퇴계 이황 선생의 초상화와 친필 원고, 그리고 서원 건축 자체가 중요한 문화재로 지정되어 있습니다.
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도산서원은 한국 서원의 대표적인 예로, 퇴계 이황 선생의 학문과 덕행을 기리는 중요한 장소입니다. 안동을 방문하신다면 꼭 가보시길 추천합니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Dosan Seowon
Based on 3360 reviews
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13:39 29 Aug 23
Dosan Seowon is a beautifully preserved school and I enjoyed learning about Korean culture for over 2 hours that we spent here.We came on a rainy weekday so there's not a lot of people. There's a minimal fee to get in. We were welcomed by this calm green river and well maintained path.Then we get to the school which is composed of several houses. I am amazed of how Koreans value historical places like this. This Confucian school was built in the 1800s! How amazing is that?!And since it is a UNESCO heritage site, there are English translations on every information as well as inside the smallmuseum.A must-visit for every Korean and for foreigners if you like historical stuff.
14:06 08 Jun 23
This place was a private educational institution of Joseon dynasty. 'Seowon' was constructed all over the country for cultivating talented people. They studied mostly learning of Confucianism. Seowon also performed a role of holding a memorial service for Confucianism saints. 'Dosan Seowon' is one of the most famous Seowon in Korea. Andong was a seat of learning in Joseon dynasty because its beautiful scenery and calming atmosphere. Thanks to this atmosphere people could focus on their studying. When you visit Dosan Seowon, you can realize why lots of Joseon people came to Andong to study. This Seowon is famous because its 'Seodang'. Dosan Seodang was established by Lee Hwang who is a most famous Confucian scholar. If you visit Andong, please come to Dosan Seowon and feel the nobility of confucian scholar in Joseon Dynasty.
09:17 28 Dec 22
Definitely worth the visit. Seeing the river frozen in December was exquisite. The buildings are so old and everything feels authentic and atmospheric.
18:37 15 Apr 22
Even though you don’t have any understanding about Korean Confucianism history, this site is worthy to visit for enjoying traditional Korean architecture and scenery.
Johann “JOWON” Kwon
02:01 01 Nov 21
1. Best View2. For family3. Private education institute in Chosun era4. Before visiting, you should survey history.
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